We should stay with the plan of paying 230k nxt for this campaign and reserve the slots for the next months.
Keep in mind that Ethereum and emunie are on their way... nxt needs to be and stay in people's minds.
While long term etherium and emunie will probably get tangled in legal issues regarding their IPO's lack of formality, in the short term, they are coming out EXACTLY when NXT is vulnerable. Until April, we could actually have slightly less features than emunie.
I know this is a tech oriented community, but I hope you can understand that sometimes it is prudent to substitute marketing/PR for a gap in tech. It is only a temporary thing and maybe it won't be a big deal, but what if people make emunie a giant success and take the thunder away from NXT? Is that a risk we should take when we don't have to?
Marketing as DEFENSIVE weapon. Marketing to make people excited about NXT and wait until April to decide between NXT, emunie and etherium. By then, the lawyers might already be circling one or both of those, so it would be game over in favor of NXT.
That is a nice outcome and well worth taking the chance with 10 million NXT that is inching closer and closer to the incinerator. It is like a use it or lose it vacation time. Let's use it. Now is the perfect time to use these funds. It will make all of our NXT worth that much more in the long run. That is what I want. Don't you?
If we are going to be behind other projects on features, shouldn't we be funding bounty projects for advanced features? I don't see how marketing solves that issue.
How would any technical bounties speed up deployment of Transparent Forging? That is the key to everything and it is already being worked on by the best man possible.
What technical piece is missing for NXT to be superior to emunie/etherium?
From what I can tell, when nexern is done with client his DNA will be the etherium killer and I will bet that he will get it done before etherium's crowd process gets it done.
So, with Asset Exchange we are pretty much at feature parity with emunie. What is missing? I have not tried the emunie beta, so I have no idea what features they have that NXT doesn't. If it is a super important feature that NXT doesn't have, then certainly, let's get a bounty for it ASAP.
If we have enough tech and not enough marketing, why not balance it out and get the marketing? If emunie and etherium were not doing their IPOs as we speak, I would not feel this sense of urgency. There is only a finite amount of people who will invest in cryptos and they WILL be choosing between emunie, etherium and NXT as these are the second gen cryptos. Some will hedge and split between the three, some will go heavier into one other than the other, etc.
Shouldn't we get as much of the second gen investor funds as we deserve? What percentage does NXT deserve? Are we going to get that percentage? If not, then we need more marketing.