I just really disagree that LTB listeners should be treated like late night infomercial denizens by being bombarded with "catch phrases" and the like.
Ok, maybe a catch phrase is a bit much, but there needs to be a short definition each week for the benefit of those who are hearing about Nxt for the first time. It needs to be short so it doesn't take up too much room in the spot.
tell me what you had in mind.
I'll work on something, but I won't have time to think about it for an hour or two.
I still think your new draft is much too complicated for a 1 minute spot. I think I'm a pretty good representation of an average listener (professional software developer, technically-minded, but haven't delved into the inner-workings of crypto-algorithms), and that paragraph is something I need to mull over, re-read, and process slowly in order to follow your train of thought. Simplifying it in order to make it more digestible in one listen won't insult anyone's intelligence. It might be necessary to break some of the content out into other spots.