The ones that are meant to vote, are not the ones with the knowledge on the subject being voted, but the ones with the big wallet.
That is a sound plan to some..
i am coming to the conclusion that a lot of people are reading "stakeholder" and think of "shareholder"...
This is not a corporation.
Why don't we try to find solutions as a community and not as a Board of Trustees?
These people are so short-sighted. It is open source software for GOD's sake. You are not holding APPLE stocks. If you guys make NXT a rich guy club, then you are killing NXT
the chance to be a real social movement.
Unless you can protect the software indefinitely. Think about it.
I'm a fairly large Nxt holder and I would be perfectly comfortable having 1 vote. I feel that anyone who holds Nxt has a vested interest, regardless of amount. We need to have 1 Vote per 1 Nxt Forging Private Key account.