went to -2540 blocks, 2543 orphaned blocks, 17803 unconfirmed transactions, within half an hour after redownloading block chain
36881 2584657662098653454 January 9, 2014 3:29:53 PM GMT+02:00
1 100 + 1 128 B
2 7115225331220974788 609 %
Not sure if this is relevant, but the My transactions window ends up with duplicate transactions listed some old transactions from last week are duplicated. I was having a lot of problems sending, i think due to system clock and 15 seconds issue.
December 30, 2013 5:24:37 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 2 1 -
December 30, 2013 7:25:03 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 11 1 -
December 30, 2013 7:32:50 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 10'000 10 -
December 30, 2013 7:39:10 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 90'000 90 -
Hmm... other than the duplicates in My Transactions, it seems that it is still moving forward:
36888 4747512364439223888 January 9, 2014 3:37:14 PM GMT+02:00
1 4 + 1 128 B
2 1819073736885755019 233 %
This seems to be an issue with NRS display? Just a bit worrisome about negative recent blocks, so many orphans and unconfirmed. Is this normal?
I think it's just the display who is wrong.
But it's still function properly. Happened to me. If you want the correct display, just refresh the page
Looking closer, the timestamps on the actual transactions are different and are all after the duplicates.
December 30, 2013 7:50:26 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 90'000 90 10+
December 30, 2013 7:41:53 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 10'000 10 10+
December 30, 2013 7:41:53 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 11 1 10+
December 30, 2013 5:26:31 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 2 1 10
Definitely something strange, the transaction IDs are the same!
90000: 2908061711788780811 vs 2908061711788780811
10000: 11922435045177123841 vs 11922435045177123841
11: 8324684714258161869 vs 8324684714258161869
2: 11874188389536146018 vs 11874188389536146018
So definitely a bug of some sort. The same transaction ids are duplicated in the display. They are listed at the top of My transactions, with 0 confirmations but having identical transaction ids as the real transactions. To confuse things even more, the timestamps are different, each actual transaction is in the future relative to the unconfirmed ones.
additonally, I also remember sending a lot more smaller test transactions and they just disappeared without warning, probably due to the system clock being wrong. All during this timeframe. We need a warning when that happens
The client could just not display transactions without confirmations, or only display one with unique transaction ID, but I think this indicates some sort of lower level confusion that needs to be investigated.