I'd like to introduce a concept of a new feature called Account Control. This feature will allow to do different things with ur accounts. For example, u will be able to set a lock on an account to prohibit any outgoing transactions until a special condition met (e.g. an incoming transaction from a predefined account). Another example is Pooled Forging, when an account leases its forging power to another account.
Please, post here what u would like to see in Account Control.
(Not sure if this already part of pooled forging already).
Pooled forging with agreed pro-rata payment to be made at the end of the lease.
- I lease 100,000nxt to Bob at an agreed rate of 0.0005 "nxt per day per nxt" (agreement to be reached using nxt network protocol).
- Whilst leased, the funds aren't available for me to spend or forge with
- After 3 days I decide I want to buy a car, so I revoke the lease
- As part of the nxt being returned to my account, I also automatically receive 150 (==0.0005*100000*3) nxt from Bob's account
- Network ensures that funds to pay all leases is available in the target account (or a separate nominated/linked account), and automatically cancels leases if this situation should arise
So the pool operator takes on all forging risk, and the network ensures users are paid what they're due (so safe for them).
Follow up to this:
- Auctioning of my forging lease to the highest bidder; one-off, or similar to Amazon's "spot price" where if someone bids higher whilst my forging power is leased to one party the lease automatically gets transferred to the new highest bidder
So, to create a competitive marketplace for forging power.