went to -2540 blocks, 2543 orphaned blocks, 17803 unconfirmed transactions, within half an hour after redownloading block chain
36881 2584657662098653454 January 9, 2014 3:29:53 PM GMT+02:00
1 100 + 1 128 B
2 7115225331220974788 609 %
Not sure if this is relevant, but the My transactions window ends up with duplicate transactions listed some old transactions from last week are duplicated. I was having a lot of problems sending, i think due to system clock and 15 seconds issue.
December 30, 2013 5:24:37 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 2 1 -
December 30, 2013 7:25:03 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 11 1 -
December 30, 2013 7:32:50 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 10'000 10 -
December 30, 2013 7:39:10 AM GMT+02:00 2269220637361284198 90'000 90 -
Hmm... other than the duplicates in My Transactions, it seems that it is still moving forward:
36888 4747512364439223888 January 9, 2014 3:37:14 PM GMT+02:00
1 4 + 1 128 B
2 1819073736885755019 233 %
This seems to be an issue with NRS display? Just a bit worrisome about negative recent blocks, so many orphans and unconfirmed. Is this normal?
I think it's just the display who is wrong.
But it's still function properly. Happened to me. If you want the correct display, just refresh the page