I got all the names during the horrible int overflow and rewind. After the rewind I registered again. And then since some of the names weren't showing up after I woke up this afternoon, I registered them again if the getAliasUri didn't show up right. I figured an extra NXT was worth it.
http://localhost:7874/nxt?requestType=getAliasURI&alias=jimbo properly maps to my website
but it does not appear in the name list.
thanks for the info james,
the overflow was bad and as said i need more information about the current structure und what happend with the bc.
the problem currently are the attacks and numerous forks, the blockexplorer is working very reliable when feeded
with correct data and atm i can't find any bug within the alias fetching and storing. i will check this quickly tomorrow
but now i need some sleep, 4 am here ;-)
ps: jimbo solved it, it seems the database stored some invalid bc-fraqments from overflow and rewinding.
thanks james, a complete clean genesis scan will fix this.