No worries, mate, go have some fun in the sun. Thanks again for what u guys achieved, btw.
I may not have agreed with some aspects of your work (SoL....hmmmm
) but on the whole Cointropolis did some good work.
Hows the Trek convention coming on?
I'll just 'volunteer' the next guy who opens his mouth about NXT mainstream acceptance to run the game payments idea.
I understand the cointroplois crew very well.
Dirty tactics was used by people who in the marketing committee to be elected (and the community didn't mind it, called it politics) and now NXT pay the consequences. We have a elected marketing committee but the price is the lowest it has been in 2 months. Last time me contacting BTER lead to them adding us which saved us, what will save us this time?
AE? It'll be after Mastercoin, Invictus, Counterparty.. so I doubt it'll be enough.
I think I was the first guy to propose to use NXT as ingame currency, feel free to approach any of the big game devs. Got nothing to lose
Here's a couple of novel ideas
. One, how about instead of pouting over who won fair elections, we cheer on and support those who won, since we all want Nxt to become successful. Second, how did adding us to Bter "save" Nxt? Answer: it didn't. You don't save a coin buy temporarily influxing new money into it. Coins go up and down a lot when they are new. Its called volatility. Its impossible to avoid, unless you have Emunie's system and even then it probably will not be avoided early on.
Now, adding Nxt to gaming is a good idea. I support it. The more uses Nxt has, the better.
But worrying over which coin has the first AE is a waste of time. First to AE is not important. EASE OF USE of AE is much more important. Integration into AE is much more important. Adoption of AE is much more important. How do they rank - MC, Invictus, Counterparty, Emunie, Nxt? Answer: no one knows.
So the goal should be ease of use. Win that game and you are the defacto "first to market mover with advantage."