On Nodecoin/NXTcoin:
1) Who will buy them? It seems to me that it will follow the mine & dump path, so:
2) It will devalue NXT
2 seems to contradict 1. IMO, the more active nodecoin is, the more valuable NXT is
either people will run nodes as forging pools or we need people to run nodes and find a way to reward them...
nodecoin can provide proof of the work someones node has done irrespective of how much NXT they have...
let STOP thinking of it as another crypto currency but as a proof of a nodes work which needs rewarding with NXT
this reflects the contribution of the node to the stability of the NXTwork? (whatever the collective noun is for a collection of NXT nodes)
lets not think of it as a coin... so I'm going to call it something different - don't care what just want to ditch coin.
suppose in january 2014 NXTWork PoW Demon or its equivalent generates NXTWork201401 and in february NXTWork201402
now suppose we have a bounty for operating nodes each month
when january is complete ,we will know how much work the NXTwork has done in terms of NXTWork201401 tokens.
we know the january bounty - divide the number of NXTWork201401 tokens their are, create one order for the total at a unit cost that spends the bounty and buys back all the issued tokens.
everyone can redeem their NXTWork201401 for a share of the bounty...
then delist the NXTwork201401
Repeat in 201402
If the bounty drops too low - people will stop running nodes.. if this affects the NXTWork, people who want to have a better NXTWork will increase the bounty and people will run nodes.... If it doesn't then the NXTWork bounty and the number of nodes will balance each other.
A bit crazy perhaps but it does provide a natural elasticity to allow the community to drive the performance of the NXTWork (sorry couldn't stand typing NXT Network)
+1 Sounds good to me, avoids the competing with NXT aspect, while rewarding node providers.
Pretty much an ideal solution, and it looks fairly simple to implement.
Jumping a motorcycle on to the next point;
I fully understand you, but I also believe that knowledge should be rewarded.
We all think like that. Until now, u wrote some text (posted a few lines yaddayadda here). There is nothing that could be recognized as knowledge
U surely understand that.
When Dr. Evil exposed flaw, he did it in a noble manner. For that, he gained both (financial) reward and well-deserved respect, u see.
That was truly cool, u see. That was
not the "yo man I drive expensive cars and trade $100k at kraken, I'm the shit and can easily create nxt out of thin air, man" attitude... ah.
If E-K has a bug, he should show it to us, and rely on our natural generosity. Shit, Dr Evil showed up, shared his work with us and we just threw large piles of cash at him. Thats how we do it round here....