With respect: this is a glib, bullshit answer, and you can't prove the "most of us" part any more than you can prove the "BCNext did math analysis" part.
Three months in and we have no Whitepaper, no documentation of algorithms, and no modelling or statistical analysis.
The greatest irony of the great decentralized Nxt Ecosystem is that its core is centralized in an opaque, anonymous identity who only communicates to the world through a Belarusan Java programmer on contract.
One day soon, Nxt will be called out for this. It is Nxt's biggest flaw.
He found the fatal flaw and he is right.
BCNext likes the path Satoshi chose... Probably he'll leave the project in a couple of months staying anonymous forever
(I would do the same thing btw.)
As for the documentation, algos, etc., I don't agree: NXT is already open sourced enough,... maybe BCNext gives us more features, maybe not...
The real problem is the lack of guys that can understand the code, not just java syntax but the crypto currency specific voodoo
We need to recruit successors - we need young BCNexts, little Come-from-Beyonds (figuratively speaking of course
And we need whales that give them enough incentives (=payments) to develop full-time.
To me thats the biggest flaw!
No, like I said the last time when I brought this up: BCNext himself is responsible for the fact that the community has grown so dependent on him.
With all these plans that are to be rolled out etc. people just become apathic and wait for him and his developers to do everything.
He should've made a official statement regarding NXT now being in the hands of it's users a long time ago.
Thankfully Klee and a few other founders are still founding projects that keep NXT going, but we still need clarification on what sort of developers we are missing. How far along the features have come etc.
Wit due respect, I can´t understand why CfB and BCNext are waiting for the community to take leadership when "the big plan" is still secret. How do you want to have leaders in the community when they don´t know under what circumstances they have to lead the community as it can be, that the next part of "the big plan" makes all the efforts completely useless.
What I think:
a) BCNext (or CfB) should make a detailed, public roadmap, to see what is planned for the next few weeks, so we can arrange our resources to focus on things that are not coveed by the core developers.
b) more transparency is needed. The code is good, but even people with math skills are struggling understand how forging works.
c) one of the core developers should step up and attend conferences. It is not about decentralization hiding behind the code and letting others figure out how the core functions are working, but it is opacity that we have to fight now. I wouldn´t invest in Nxt now (if I didn´t do it earlier), to be honest, as I don´t see where it is heading and who is sitting in the driver´s seat.