With respect: this is a glib, bullshit answer, and you can't prove the "most of us" part any more than you can prove the "BCNext did math analysis" part.
Three months in and we have no Whitepaper, no documentation of algorithms, and no modelling or statistical analysis.
The greatest irony of the great decentralized Nxt Ecosystem is that its core is centralized in an opaque, anonymous identity who only communicates to the world through a Belarusan Java programmer on contract.
One day soon, Nxt will be called out for this. It is Nxt's biggest flaw.
He found the fatal flaw and he is right.
BCNext likes the path Satoshi chose... Probably he'll leave the project in a couple of months staying anonymous forever
(I would do the same thing btw.)
As for the documentation, algos, etc., I don't agree: NXT is already open sourced enough,... maybe BCNext gives us more features, maybe not...
The real problem is the lack of guys that can understand the code, not just java syntax but the crypto currency specific voodoo
We need to recruit successors - we need young BCNexts, little Come-from-Beyonds (figuratively speaking of course )
And we need whales that give them enough incentives (=payments) to develop full-time.
To me that's the biggest flaw!