Thank you for your answer! I have some more question:
1. Is it a position of the company never sell shares?
2. Who is the owners? Have NMAC registration?
Where will you use nexxtyoin?
Where can i read how nxttycoin will work?
Do you have a paper?
4. What do you mean when you write "ownership stake"?
1) Yes
2) Nxttycoin holders are the owners of NMAC, NMAC is a worldwide group of nxttycoin holders which together form a "virtual company"
3) At this particular moment nxttycoin serves as the ownership mechanism of NMAC. It will also be incorporated into the Nxtty cryptomessenger when the time is right.
A business plan was put forward in early March but it has been outmoded now. If you like more details on our products I will send you either iPhone or Android beta apps. As these are now real products you can experience them hands on.
For any further clarifications on strategy, plans, etc, please PM me as it is the right of nxttycoin holders that I protect their trade secrets from our competition.
4) The stakeholders of NMAC form a community and that community uses Nxttycoin to regulate and document ownership rights of each member of the virtual company in a objective manner.