You are still confusing too many issues, most of your posts are just wrong.
Again, be specific. If you think I'm wrong about something tell me what, and why. And I will either correct it, or explain to you why you are wrong.
Newbies, watch out.
That's FUD. Warning newbies about me when it's you that's wrong and not me.
First, exchanges can credit their customers gbytes which they got just for having gbytes just like any address in Byteball. This is not due to bitcoins linked by exchange. Every byteball address gets inflated even of you didnt link any btc to it.
I never said that exchanges don't earn the 10% or 20% on held bytes. I said that they can also claim for held BTC. You said they couldn't. I tried to correct you, but you didn't believe me and accused me of FUD.
Here's a post from tonych where he says he has no problem with exchanges claiming. He doesn't want their customers falsely claiming on behalf of exchanges because that is considered cheating:
Tony, how do you see whales and exchanges linking wallets to get free Gbytes?
Many greedy xchange operators will use Gbyte to just make more money by linking wallets of own exhanges.
We are filtering the exchange addresses when their customers (not the exchanges themselves) try to link them by doing a withdrawal. This is considered cheating.
I am not aware of any exchanges that had covertly linked their BTC wallets (Cryptox linked openly, and distributed among its users). If you find one, please let its customers know.
No issues with whales, the rules are the same for everybody irrespective of wealth.
Second, when posting here " bytecoin" and even getting its currencies wrong, while the topic is most active is just bad form. Rather stay quiet if you arent sure than spread such mistakes and instill confusion, FUD, its in the U, to spread uncertanity.
Yes, you mentioned that already. I apologized and fixed my mistake. Is that the only thing I got wrong? What's your problem exactly?
Enjoy your bytes and blackbytes, hodl, Byteball on IoT makes more sense than iota. Just you sit and watch.
Reminder, Byteball has only existed in livenet for less than 6 months. Speaking altcoininvestor-style, its main rocket engines havent even fired yet.
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Everyone will hold or dump as they see fit. It's none of your business to tell me what to do with my coins. If I dump too early others will benefit from it. If I hold and sell at the peak it hurts others. It's all a zero sum game anyway, so why would you be trying to try me how to trade?