He can't delete it from here.
There's an interesting pedegree: cpuminer -> cgminer (GPU) -> BFGMiner (formerly released under the name cgminer) -> cgminer.
Much code comes from cgminer to the clone all the time.
(The recent Klondike driver was all of my and BKKCoin's code copied directly from cgminer, but with replacement of our calls to our cgminer front end to libusb called usbutils, to direct calls to libusb, so his driver will be problematic on some systems due to all sorts of problems in libusb)
Almost none has flowed from the clone to cgminer for a long time ... since the MMQ driver long ago that didn't work. even though he was paid for that to be included, but he didn't commit to cgminer all the changes necessary to make it work.