Why only 60% fan? You might need to bump that a little higher.
I don't run any of my GPUs above 60%. All but this one do just fine between 50 and 60%. Most run in a very cooled environment (air conditioning blowing right on them), "free" from any chasis with a box fan blowing on them. They usually run high 60s, low 70s. This one is in my main workstation, which has cooling issues. Usually 60% is fine, sometimes I can do 50-55% w/o a problem. However, twice recently I found it in the low 90s, and cgminer seemed oblivious to it, even though it clearly showed the temp on the screen in cgminer.
Well there you go. You just answered your own question. If all your caseless, air conditioned GPUs do fine with 60% fan, but your workstation GPU (which has cooling issues) isn't fine with 60%, then I say again, bump up the fan speed! "--auto-fan --gpu-fan 25-75".