It's overheating because you don't have auto-fan and auto-gpu turned on. You have told cgminer to run your GPU at a set clock speed, with a set fan speed, and that's exactly what it's doing. It will happily continue to do so until you GPU bursts into flame. The temp settings don't mean anything if you aren't allowing cgminer to control the temperature.
Just another case of operator error.
Okay, let's start over again.
My cgminer.cfg clearly states, as I said a few posts back:
"gpu-engine" : "0-1125",
"gpu-fan" : "0-55",
"gpu-memdiff" : "0",
"gpu-powertune" : "0",
"gpu-vddc" : "0.870",
"temp-cutoff" : "90",
"temp-overheat" : "85",
"temp-target" : "75",
Where is the problem? Is the config file missing something, or do I need to add more parms to the command line? Note that I didn't put any of these lines in here, cgminer wrote them when I told it to create a .cfg. All I did was change some parms. It's a bit misleading for these parms to be here and do nothing. Specifically the temp-cutoff part, I would think that means, well, when it reaches that temperature, it stops dead in the water.
And, I would hope the internal shutdown on the GPU would prevent it from bursting into flame.
BTW, thanks for the sarcastic help. Much appreciated.