any chance to add native support for Stratum mining protocol?
There're already two pools supporting it (me and BtcGuild) and I expect that others will join us soon. I have also support from Python miners developers (poclbm and Guiminer) so we will add native support to their code. Unfortunately I'm not a C++ programmer, so I can give you only some consultations about the protocol itself but I cannot provide you any code.
The major improvement in all this stuff is that miner can produce unique coinbases locally, so creating block headers is done locally, without asking the server. Also the network layer is improved significantly, so you need only up to 10kB/minute of bandwidth even for 18ExaHash/s (10**18) rigs.
Basically you can just bundle mining proxy (pure python) which I provide together with cgminer and run it on the demand, but it is quite ugly solution and native support would be much better.
Let me know what you think about it!
And while you're at it, change the mining API to event-driven