I really like the new version, it is giving better hashrate a little bit on my 7970, now its ~ 685.
Sad thing is that with this new version i starting to see error about driver recovery, when using mozilla firefox with many tabs opened.
Any suggestions? Thanks
I think ckolivas has said many times that the latest iterations are more aggressive/efficient and hence the GPU is getting even less idling time. This means any basic rendering it has to do even for web browsing or flash gets squeezed even more. Either back down your clock rate while surfing or turn down intensity.
Thanks for the answer, i had suspicions about that by myself. Curently using intensity of 9. What is tipycal/best intensity for 7970 while doing something on PC (just web basicly, flash hardware acceleration is turned off) and what would be the best intensity if nothing else on computer is done?
If I'm actually using the machine for anything (except gaming) I drop it down to 6. Realistically my time is more important than 11 shares that could be saved in a 2 hour session. As soon as I'm done I bump it back to 9. If if you forget to bump it back up you only lose about 3 or 4% - that's not that important. At I6 you should be able to watch movies at 1080P without problem (movies don't cut hash rate that much). The only thing that really needs a lower intensity is gaming. Even just running around in town in a game like Guild Wars 1 needs I5 or lower to be playable. Usually I just turn off mining - was getting too many crashes. There's no point to not enjoy your $400 video card while you still don't have cataracts lol.
agreed, switching off mining at all, when gaming. Till now it was ok to leave I9 while browsing internet, or wathing movies, 2.7.4 just tikkles my card a little bit more. Still, errors are really rare, so i am not woried so much. Thanks