I got my miner yesterday and I've got it setup and working but I have a few questions.
- In one of the early posts, it says not to include the "stratum+tcp://" in the miner pool, I included that before I had read not to, my miner is online hashing away, seemingly without any issues. Did that bug get fixed in a subsequent release?
- On the dashboard, there are two temps listed, one at the top of the page next to the hash rate, and then another on the hashboard. What's the temp at the top referring to?
I am not a particualarly savvy or wise person, but I can answer these questions to some degree.
1. Yes, I believe it did because I also have included that text and am also mining successfully.
2. The lower temps correspond to the actual dashboard, while the temp in the top is the CPU for the main unit.
Another follow up question of my own...
The reported hashrate at the top of the GUI shows consistently about 10% higher than the actual hashrate recognized by the pool.
I am assuming this is normal, and due to the nature of how these things are calculated? (or in reality estimated?)
The reason I am asking at all is because both numbers are surfaced within the GUI, one at the top of the screen (big) and another smaller number in-line with the pool information.
Seems a bit funny that it would contradict itself?