I've read some posts on here about the port forwarding and helping with connections on the node. I currently have 10/32 connections. I tried forwarding the ports but it didn't change. not sure if i did every right or not? anyone have any suggestions or a good guide for this? also looking to try and forward ports to be able to access remote. I tried that but i can't access remote still so obviously i'm not doing something right.......
FWIW, I too am only showing 10/32 connections (I'm a batch 2 so the node has been running for just a couple days and is 84% sync'd)
I verified that inbound connections to my node from the internet are working using this website here that someone else in the thread provided earlier. Give it a try: CanYouSeeMe dot Org
All you do is pull the web page up using the browser on your full node and then edit the 'Port to Check' so it reads 8333 and click the 'Check Port' button. It will come back with 'Success' if your firewall/router is set up correctly.
You have 10 outgoing connections (bitcoind client limit). Incoming connections are disabled until you fully synced. No point for people to connect to you, when you don't have 100% copy of blockchain to send out to them. Once this is complete, you should see connections amount climbing up
On my modified Apollo, which I placed in another country, in place with slow connection, even on 1Mbps max. upload I see:
Bitcoin Full Node
Connections: 28 In / 10 Out (38 Total)
Downloaded: 0 GiB
Uploaded: 5 GiB
Uptime: 1d:21h:32m
Process memory: 679 MiB
Network Traffic (yesterday)
Downloaded: 579.26 MiB
Uploaded: 4.48 GiB