Attempted to do my first cash-to-wallet transaction via BitInstant. But it seems to have been unsuccessful (Order execution failed!) and now it's just stuck on "New Order"...
The log doesn't seem to be ordered/displayed in a chronological fasion - so I'm not even sure if I should trust it for that fact.
Quote ID d8638b22-da78-4fcb-8187-a4715c19d8ac
If anyone could explain to me why this happened, what's going on right now, and what happens next ... that would great! I'll also look back some pages to see if an explanation for all the problems has been posted.
I thought I'd have bitcoins relatively quickly, but now I'm reading here that a few people wait days to a week before it's resolved!
EDIT/UPDATE - support emailed response about transferring to tech support for manual transaction.
No explanation why this has to be done manually, why it failed, why they can't cancel and reload it in 30 seconds automatically (I'm sure 100s of successful transactions are being done right now)... No insight provided into the issue = huge problem for me. If I just knew, that would be 95% of my worry.
I am having the same problem. Despite a successful ZipZap payment on 2/12/13, I still do not have my bitcoins. After the first 5 hours, I realized something was wrong, so I e-mailed customer support. I did not receive a reply until the next day, at which point I was told it had been forwarded to tech and I'd have my coins at the end of the day. At the end of the day, I still did not have my coins, so I e-mailed again, and I was told it could take up to one business day. It has been 25 hours since it was "forwarded to tech support," a full business day and 25X the advertised timeframe. Over 46X the advertised timeframe from successful ZipZap payment.
Unfortunately, when I found out last night that I wouldn't have my coins until today, I initiated another transfer. I will take part of the blame on that - fool me twice, shame on me - but I still urgently needed my bitcoins, and they couldn't possibly screw up twice, right? Wrong, the exact same thing happened to my second order. I realized within the hour this time, and e-mailed immediately, and was told the same thing. That was 20 hours ago, still no bitcoins, and my wallets still do not show up on as ever being used on the network.
So, I've been lied to several times now. First, getting my bitcoins "in an hour" - never happened. Second, the e-mail that told me I'd have it by the end of the day. Third, the NEXT e-mail which said I'd have it in one business day. None of those things have happened. Oh, and multiply that all by 2. I understand things happen, but this is too much.
For some business models this would be understandable. However, when the service exists to get "bitcoins in an hour," the slogan is "time is money," and the word "Instant" is 2/3rds of the company's name, this is entirely unacceptable. I had to create an account here just because others have reported that this (or spamming support) are the only ways to get things done. Seeing others are having the same problem shows me I'm way down on the list.
I have been pretty reasonable in my responses considering my money is being held hostage and nothing has been done about it and I haven't been told what the issue even is (until I found this forum I guess) . I would like to cancel both orders, but if that's not possible, when I receive my coins I will put together an invoice for the 3.99% BitInstant charges, $7.90 in ZipZap charges (I would not being paying ZipZap if it always took 2 days - ZipZap is payed as part of the "instant" agreement - and I would not have even put in the second transaction if the first had worked. Plus, ZipZap did their job perfectly, and if they hadn't then I'd be completely SOL), and I will also be checking that the bitcoins are in the amount they held at the time of purchase (whether larger or smaller, I will play fair).
This service has been decent in the past, and had things been fixed the first time I was told, I would continue using the service. But I can no longer in good faith put my money in this company's hands. I will be switching to bank transfers from now on.
My ZipZap accounts are 540811650 and 715594198, respectively.
Thank you,
Chris Eastman
EDIT : My coins have arrived. I am still very unimpressed, but the matter was addressed. They are not crooks, just an overwhelmed company. However, the way a business responds to adversity speaks volumes.