Do you have another Order ID?
Did you even read my post...? I am not disputing the arrival of the funds, I am disputing the amount that arrived.
Case #1:
Order receipt
Order ID fe4ad4a8-f455-4d83-8147-6a55f08c1f7a
Quote ID 0bdd2cf0-0589-4cae-814d-f9a4d5fc89bd
Event ID 4d0cae17-e42b-4613-b21b-4bb95c4516d6
Fees (inclusive) 7.0% + $1.00 incl. paypal fees
Amount you paid $28.2 USD
Amount you will receive $25.2542 USD
Delivery Deadline Wed Jan 9 04:07:34 2013
Destination exchange PayPal
Destination account [email protected]
I should have received: $25.25 and I received $23.72
Case #2:
Order ID aab7cb8e-7ab7-42c3-9aa4-7acab9127ac8
Quote ID 36423ce5-aec9-4e4f-b01e-426bc3f77dde
Event ID 09cc2961-faea-4002-9d45-91a40ce8d99f
Fees (inclusive) 7.0% + $1.00 incl. paypal fees
Amount you paid $33.06 USD
Amount you will receive $29.77886 USD
Delivery Deadline Thu Jan 10 00:43:00 2013
Destination exchange PayPal
Destination account [email protected]
I should have received $29.78 and I received $28.19.
Neither of these amounts is very large, but your service is already overpriced and if one is expected to use BI on a regular basis, or for people who deal in larger and more frequent transactions per day, these charges can really begin to add up and if VirWox isn't receiving the full amount that means that someone on your end is profiting somewhere...
I am NOT using BitInstant again and will discourage others from doing so until I receive a reasonable explanation as to why money appears to be being "shaved" off of each transaction, I receive my remaining balance in it's entirety and I am assured that the issue has been taken care of.