
Topic: Official Thread: AMT - page 145. (Read 678353 times)

sr. member
Activity: 267
Merit: 250
Stan the Man!
March 15, 2014, 02:33:32 PM
My assumption to until this point has been that they are over their heads and their timeline has been off a couple of times.  This theory , and it's only that at the moment, is at least supported by the info we can gather from the pictures.

Now why they would come on and claim to be shipping, and what not is what I don't care for because that is where the lie is. My guess is they were trying to save face after what was another delay in the supply chain, be that because they didn't meet their commitmentment or because of revisions they didn't expect pushing full manufacturing out to later than expected. 

Then when you lie you can't back peddle because you've been caught. So you make another lie and dig yourself a nice little hole.

Now had they come forward and said " is the problem Z is the solution. We are doing Z to get back on track" They wouldn't have to play this game. But that is what dishonesty gets you, more trouble. Then you get people asking if you've shipped where is my tracking number and miner? So then you ignore them.

Any e-mail I've sent lambasting their customer service is answer uniformly with we're sorry. Then the a brief update, which at that point can't be trusted because before.

Now this is just my opinion from my years in customer service and customer service management. I think they are being directed to say one thing by whoever is running the show and that the employees are just toeing the company line and are probably embarrassed but are stuck doing as they are told.

That said, it is my personal belief that the miners are going to ship, but I'm not sure when. I'm hoping they are catching up on a back long and are planning to make a couple larger shipments to try to get on track.
If they don't then that is all on me for not doing enough research.

Now if they are truly scamming which doesn't make sense with the type of investment they seems to have put in, then my attitude is different and I'm going to nail their thieving asses to the floor.

Though a good pic of Josh or hell the amt team with some hardware or even bare chips as they are resellers would go a long way to help. A video would be top notch. But they are now trying to maintain a quickly decaying facade.

I'm with you.  I honestly believe they have the best intentions of getting folks the miners they've paid for, and are not out to scam the public.  I got my rig, be it a month later than promised, i still got it and so have several others.  No real issues with getting the 80/120/180/220GH rigs, since they're all bitfury 55nm based technobit rigs.  None of which will ever ROI at the prices listed.  I bet there's a stockpile of them in the AMT shop.  Who in their right mind would pay $20/GH, when there are so many other options out thre for $3-4/GH?

I believe, like others have said before, that they are in way over their heads with the 28nm based rigs, and are in panic mode.  Short staffed, under-qualified, etc... and have no idea of how to dig them selves out of the hole they continue to dig. 

First step- put down the shovel.  Hole doesn't gt deeper if you stop digging.  Stand up and tell the people what's really going on.

Most people are very forgiving, and i'm pretty sure most of the folks here just want to know what's up.  Are they getting the rigs they paid for any time soon?  Delays happen.  Let people know what's up and they will be understanding, within reason.  Letting them know there are more delays only works for a short period of time, and not 6 months of weekly "uh, sorry, we'll be another week".

Lots of ways to get this ship righted.  easiest is open, honest communication.   and shipping the friggin rigs.  lol

anyways,,,,,  i'm still here, curious to see how this one turns out.   Very glad i no longer have skin in the game.  I'd have lost what little hair i have left by now, if i were still waiting for my $5000-6000+ rig to show up.

hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
March 15, 2014, 12:51:55 PM
@AMT (long open letter here that I think reasonably sums up the overall community perspective of AMT as a company at the moment) I have posted known criticisms (sans the excessive crap) and potential solutions so hopefully the feedback is at least helpful (I have run 4 successful businesses of my own into prosperity and sold them off so I do have some qualified experience in business advice here)

3 points I want to make here for all of our mutual benefit:

1. Competition
2. Marketing and communications
3. Delivery and Execution
4. Potential solutions (not just gonna bitch here but constructively contribute)

1. Competition
Notably YOURS (and BFL and other American miner companies) competition (yours and all other US companies competition right now)
I read this and realized that THIS IS A MISSION STATEMENT for them and something they deliver on and have. Myself and others have bought from them and successfully received our orders when promised. My orders arrived in a timely manner. No issues no drama. Its accurate in its context. If AMT can ramp up the degree of transparency and honesty and keeping to their word (there are AMT 1.2 miners that should be in the hands of people on the publicized order list that are not in their hands) As one of the two (three?) known US based companies (all with horrendous and questionable communications and PR/marketing practices) you are being trounced by your Chinese competitors in the consumer mining space. Bitmain is selling miners and have been consistently delivering. My own personal experiences have been excellent with them (I have bought a few devices with them already) BFL another competitor is even worse on delivery and again a US business. This is a sad state of affairs for the mining industry as a whole as the two most well known American bitcoin mining companies have this terrible reputation of poor delivery and potentially (even if not true) scamming their customers. If this keeps up then the Chinese will have US competitors out of business within 2 years or less unless the game is stepped up. This is based on numerous businesses in various industries, and in that the numbers and math do not lie.

2. Marketing and communications
If there is a delay then please be honest, upfront and proactive about the why this should not be a reactive thing it needs to be proactive. The trolls and haters are gonna hate no matter what you say. Don't feed the trolls respond to the customers who want answers only. They are the ones you owe answers to no one else. (ANYONE WHO READS HIT IGNORE ON THE LEFT SIDE UNDER THE TROLLS NAME FOR YOUR SANITY). BUT the actual customers who are more reasonable WILL appreciate it and eventually overrule the trolls. Right now the trolls consist of only a few people most of which are not even customers and a couple who are, but are unreasonable to deal with anyway. However with every passing day that promised orders are not delivered against the promised schedule you posted, AMT is making more unsatisfied and rightfully angry customers. Some kind of full and HONEST disclosure email (OR forum post but email directly to customers is better from a customer retention standpoint) announcement to customers a mass email would be good. If you are sending out emails on a one by one basis that is not specific to the individuals order it is grossly inefficient. I signed up for the email mailing list on the site and have not gotten anything from the mailing list (used various emails even). Fact is no communications is a concern for anyone especially those who have invested substantial amounts of money regardless. Bottom line the problem is this. Website needs regular SUBSTANTIAL updates (not this forum). Post up your pics, post up videos staff updates engineering updates and shipping updates should be on the website not on this forum. It is poor form (I come from a marketing background prior to my IT one, so I understand these concepts very well). Communication with your customers is key. Honesty is key here. Misleading (even if unintentional) is not ok at all. Bigger companies may get away with a point. Smaller ones can't afford it. I have learned working with and for start-ups that its a financially lethal practice to a business to operate with poor communications with their client/customer base. The question is why aren't the updates that are on this official forum post not part of the blog? If your website is updated by a 3rd party fire them and find someone who is more diligent in getting the communications out in a timely manner. If you are the ones doing it then this needs to be a huge priority as your business depends on it. Word of mouth advertising (viral) can make or break a business.

3. Delivery and Execution
The preorder practice ONLY works if you meet your promised deadlines YOU SET on this forum AND your own website (which were recently changed). I am not just speaking for myself alone but there is a published schedule with your own words stating this. From a legal standpoint you have painted yourself into a corner where your less patient customers can come at you with that. And some already have a standing in that area along with the fact that many have not gotten an update on their order. And its been re-posted various times and quoted as well.  
From a business standpoint let me be clear. Your competitors in china are already destroying both you and BFL as they are meeting their targeted shipping dates CONSISTENTLY. I understand you are moving forward and are trying to get things out there. But update the customers and at least provide some reply even if its by mass email. TO help you out here you could send out a mass email to customers not JUST this convoluted forum post where the message gets drowned out with the antisemetic, alex jones type conspiracies and whatever other insanity spewed by trolls (conspiracy nuts and unreasonable folk which I have on ignore now for my own sanity). But your paying customers AND future customers could use some updates and reassurance (not to mention their hardware). There are rightfully angry people here who have not received their devices on dates YOU promised.

As a result of these missed delivery targets for customers, there are people threatening lawsuits. They might have merit, they might not. I am not a lawyer so I will not speak to that conclusively. I have been an avid supporter of AMT because of the technical efficiency of the product (on paper) but in practice I have to look at competitors who deliver. There are also red flags being raised with lack of delivery on various fronts. There was supposed to be a video produced that was never released, orders that were supposed to be delivered/shipped that have not. And those people are asking for updates with no reply. This is a huge problem for us all. I believe you are a legitimate business and do have intention of releasing product. But I am making a note that you have a serious problem on your hands in front of you. Your PR needs some work and you need to under promise and over-deliver not over-promise and under-deliver. Your sales and marketing people need to understand this concept utterly. If you are shorthanded then maybe some kind of efficiency modeling is in order to streamline things. If you have a 3rd party working for you to build these devices that's great, but we still want to know the engineering and detailed shipping status.

All we are doing as a community is holding you to account for your own words (well most of us who are not trolling or insulting you). If you cannot deliver when you say you are then we have every right to be upset, not Alex Jones anti-semetic nutter crazy and lobbing high school grade insults, but angry in that you push back dates. These things can prompt the more reasonable to start looking for legal alternatives to a reponse or refund. We understand its a preorder. I get that and I know many here get that. But you have posted up a By March 31st delivery date It is an admission of delivery for a preorder regardless of the nature of preorder (AND a VERY specific schedule on this very Official thread started by you guys). These are company endorsed and guaranteed dates. Its on the internet. Even if you changed the webpage or post stating the schedule there are plenty of tools out there to prove it was there should someone decide to go the legal route here. (wayback machine and other 3rd party internet archive/caching tools). This is not a legal threat, its an observation and a fact. Something to keep in mind since there are people threatening legal action here (I am just interested in getting my miner and helping others get theirs on the promised dates which I believe you will do)

4.Potential Solution/s to the above problems
A. Keep your word
B. Communicate, communicate, communicate (email, this forum, newsletters (especially helpful)
C. For your benefit below is a solution (with example) I know works in both theory AND practice and might help you save face.

First off I take this out of the Square Enix playbook as they did this recently with phenomenal effect (and from a business practice applies directly to you and other companies with similar problems). While this was a video game the concept from a business standpoint applies equally as well here. Square Enix made a game called FFXIV. It's first iteration was so horrible and so widely panned that it almost put the franchise out of business (a case of poor quality work) it was enough for them to fire most of the creative staff and replace them (not saying you need to do this but clearly improvements need to be made in staffing or at least upping the numbers ASAP)

Being a Japanese company their interest was huge in saving face as that is a key point for them. They did. They took the game and remade it into FFXIV: A world reborn. The reviews were great. *THIS IS THE RELEVANT PART TO AMT* They turned things around....BUT they ran into some problems. Server issues due to demand were so high that they had to STOP SALES OF THE GAME FOR ALMOST A MONTH just to make sure they caught up with the problems (in your case order backlog in their case server issues). As a result the issues were stabilized they compensated existing customers in various ways and came out heroes. They took a small loss on this BUT once they had it all fixed and all they made up those sales in spades. Sales exploded after that and it is one of the top MMORPGs online right now. Like I said it might be a video game BUT its still a business. They made a call that lost them some money in the short term but gained them much more in the long term all because A: they were transparent with their customers from the outset, they apologized and gave HONEST updates from the outset B. proper expectations were set (meaning they said they were going to deliver X date and did BUT also mentioned there might be issues from the outset) C. regular engineering updates and took feedback into consideration which made a far better product D. compensated customers for delays, issues (which you state you do so stick to that and and follow the rest and you should have a winning formula of success)

How this applies, I recommend simply put a halt on any orders until existing ones are fulfilled. At this point clear out the stock you have and as you get more parts in start to slowly begin the order process. OR put a capped limit on orders you can reasonably meet. This has two effects. People will jump in line until the limit is met with the net result of creating a huge demand instead of huge criticisms. And start to build an on hand stockpile vs relying on pre-orders as this method is simply not going to work any more as it has a huge black eye (don't be another BFL), it might be time to bring in actual investors to fund the business and build capital.

As an added bonus not to mention reassurances for paid customers it might not be a bad idea to give the miners who have paid for their hardware an option to send their miners out preconfigured and going the extra mile even during the testing phase use said miners with those settings to insure that their miners are being tested (and thereby reaping some profits already). This is certainly a value added proposition for them (and AMT as a company score HUGE points in the customer service area they currently lack in) whether or not its feasible that's something you will need to determine based on staffing needs. But if you have set apart a miner for a customer it would not hurt to have it get set up during the QA phase so it starts mining before it even ships. Otherwise people will think (and rightfully so with the excessive delays) that you are using miners we bought and paid for your own profits as well (an accusation that has been leveled on BFL and are currently in court over). Giving people SOMETHING, an option that shows evidence that their miner is being prepared will go a very long way to reducing the PR and marketing issues you are dealing with. Hopefully you take these suggestions with some seriousness and listen to your customers. There are those of us still in your corner and want you to succeed. I am still one of those. But that is also contingent on your efforts to reach out to us as well and make sure we are getting more than just token photos. A real effort that involves responding to the customers, not the trolls. Emails to the customers via mass email or newsletter or blogs would be best. The last blog update was on Feb 18th. Considering the amount of information posted on this site since then it might be better to put info and energy into the site instead.

Again all this is in trying to help you be a better company for everyone's benefit and make AMT a profitable hardware company. In the end the customer service will reap huge rewards financially.  I would hope you read this carefully and take in the information and maybe even apply it or come up with a better solution that will address all the concerns. Currently on bitcointalk and ecointalk you are seen as a possible scam, there are public posts on facebook that smear you as frauds. Your reputation is all you have now. And that is the perception based on a non-delivered product. That is also due to the lack of communication. It seems clear you have a product. But one thing I have learned about business and marketing. Bad news travels faster than good news.. If you have a product start shipping it and start making a public show of it. Highlight users who have it make videos get the community involved in showing off your miners. its the ONLY way at this point you are going to get any credibility back. As I would expect from them the trolls will find something wrong with what I have said or try to diminish it based on my post count or some other factor. I really don't care about them not should you. They do not deserve replies (which you have given them) but your customers do deserve replies. And regular and timely ones too.

Final thing. For status updates it wouldn't hurt to post a blog entry on your site when orders are shipping out. THIS WEEK ORDERS to is shipping!! And you know...actually ship. You did this with the blog for the chips that were shipping out. Why not for the consumer hardware? This is not a hard thing since you know what is shipping. It helps with the transparency and it helps the people who are requesting answers. Thanks and again I hope this helps and you look to improve the communications.
sr. member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 252
March 15, 2014, 12:42:03 PM
ISAWHIM: Are you going to work for AMT or what?

Nope, still sitting at home... Waiting, like everyone-else...

My last quoted shipment date has passed now too... Looking to spend the rest of my money on AntMiners now. Just so I have something to consume my time, while I wait for AMT.

They need a new game-plan. At the moment, this one will end-up leaving them out of business before they even begin to ship the 1.2THs miners. (Since they are apparently only shipping the non-THs miners and A1 chips, in the stated "shipped orders".)

Though, bitmine is in the same boat. Same hardware/software issues, stalling the chained chips from operating at the same level as the individual test chips. (I still think it is a data-line length issue. The test-boards all had ribbon-cables or data-lines of equal length. So by resistance, the data-bits are all lined-up. Curving data-lines is like running on an oval-track. The guy on the inside lane has a shorter distance than the guy on the outer-edge. That is why they off-set the starting-positions. To make the finish-line the same distance for them all. Data-lines are the same. One short one, and the bits are all out of sync. Works for lower-frequencies, but dies on faster frequencies where the data should all be aligned. Looks like 8-bits of output and 8-bits of input, or 16-bits of input/output, on the chips. That is a lot of data-lines to equalize with resistance, across the PCB. That, or the use of bit-buffers would work too.)

Too bad.  It sounds like they created this whole 'hiring process' to further stall everyone. I doubt anyone other than yourself, sincerely applied and they haven't even gotten back to you about it.

I have a feeling all of their updates have been to stall the user base here.

They are either running all of the miners themselves, and profiting from it : or they have completely fucked up in the manufacturing process and are sinking quick. Neither of these justify the poor communication and lack of updates though.

Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
March 15, 2014, 11:24:35 AM
Time to wake up and smell the bullshit. AMT brought this upon themselves, and now you just want everyone to 'be nice'. Not going to happen.

There is still a small, but fast-closing window, for AMT to start acting like a respectable business and tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but and then to work with us to find a solution of some kind.  

If there is any saving AMT, they need to tell us everything, right now.  I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know and I want them to stop lying, stop hiding.  Tell us that they really are a bunch of b-school dropouts who thought that starting a bitcoin mining machine manufacturer would be just as easy as creating a web site, and now they really are sorry that they realize their mistake; tell us that they are sorry about lying about having already shipped, when in fact not a single unit has been built and shipped by AMT; tell us that they were horribly wrong and now are in way over their heads; apologize for being defensive and non-responsive, and mean it; tell us customers, who have essentially funded their company, exactly what the product designs exist, what testing results are, what problems need to be overcome; and with us customers, develop a realistic plan to delivery something soon, OR  give up, sell off assets, and refund on a pro rata basis as much as possible but in any case involve us in the decision since its our money they wasted.

I am not saying all that is true, only that the real truth can't be much worse than that.  While not everyone might be so generous, I am willing to be "nice" if I know that AMT is working with us and being upfront, giving us everything now that it is clear they cannot delivery as promised.

The more I hear nothing from AMT, the more I am convinced that documents are being shredded and assets hidden while we wait and that makes me want to act quickly.  And to AMT: you know my name, go ahead and google me.  Ask yourself if you really want someone with my resources chasing you to the ends of the earth.  If AMT doesn't speak up soon, I won't care about my investment (doubled as I tried to help AMT out) I will be a lot more interested in seeing someone go to jail.  

Your decision Josh or whomever you are.  Please make the right decision.

I've already got the ball rolling on this. The only times I have received responses is by threats of legal action, once I acknowledge their bank knows them, they were happy and excited that someone was willing to vouch for them, however they were upset I was playing detective and calling the neighboring businesses. I will not vouch for them until I have my working miner in hand that was promised to me over a month ago. If I don't get my money/miner will I be upset? sure. Will it kill me? no. But AMT wants to scam me, I will do everything in my legal capacity to make sure someone pays for trying to screw me over and I don't care if I have to shell out more money to make that happen.

Not to diss you, bud, but I find it odd that a bank would state who is or isn't their customer via simply asking. Now, if you had a check in hand depicting their account number, the only info they should be able to answer is if there's enough funds in the account to satisfy the check. NOTHING more. Not even correcting the spelling of a name if you had to spell it out to them. I, for one, would close my account at any bank if I learnt that a stranger was able to walk up to the counter, or via phone, and ask if I had an account with them. That is a very valuable piece of information regardless if the answer is yes or no.

Again, not a diss toward you, bud, with apologies.

No offense taken. But I did get the banks info off the internet and I called them directly. Eagle National Bank. I didn't ask if they were customers of Eagle, I just asked if anyone in their office has seen or heard of AMT and the lady said "yes of course, they are customers of ours". As I said, they didn't tell me they have seen them in their physical address only they are customers of theirs which means little to no value to me. I have yet to hear from locals that they have physically been in AMT and seen them and no, a post on a forum saying someone has been there is not sufficient.

A user here 'grumpybear' or something like that got a refund check from them.  You could query them for the exact bank info.
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
March 15, 2014, 10:13:11 AM
anyone notice that this miner for sale on ebay has the post it note on the table that was used to update this forum when they received chips back at the end of january? why would that picture of a supposed completed miner have that post it note still in it? how would this guy on ebay have a picture of a miner at AMT's office? did they have this miner complete way back then? have they been using our miners for some time now? AMT is nothing but a bunch of con artists. they will get exposed for what they are soon enough. AMT is nothing but one massive fraud.

That is obviously just an empty tower... The second photo, you can see right through the empty face. The machine on the floor in the background, can be seen, as well as the fan on the back. (Through the air-holes.) Not a good fake for an eBay listing. (OMG, he is in Josh's office!) Tongue Sure he visited there... Took a pic, and then walked-out to use that as "proof of a miner". lol.

Funny though, that that photo is not published in the forums. (Must be someone selling it, who works there, or visited at the right moment.)

If it was assembled, they would have turned it to show you the boards installed inside, through the giant clear window. Obviously, it is unpopulated.

Notice that guy never shows one actually running. (Obviously, it is in his hands, running... Obviously... You can tell by the photo of the CPU case! Tongue) eBay-Scammer-Fail.

AMT, you got you someone who was inside your building, trying to scam people on eBay now! You know, because they have never shown us those photos.

(Sound familiar... "I got three, and decided to keep two.") I bet he has two listed... or three now... The other fake listings must have sold, or he got busted and they killed his account. Tongue Clenell, that is the same guy who showed you the photo of him with josh.. remember? Same exact wording on the auction. New user-name I imagine...

Report him for saying "Paypal or Bitcoin", since bitcoin is still not a valid eBay payment method at the moment.

P.S. That is the note that was on that CPU case, with the chips below... On that same desk... I assume, that was the following day. That guy visited and took the photo... AMT can give ebay that information. I am sure they know, or saw, who that was, that visited that day. He is screwed! lol.

That, or he is giving everyone the $1500 china-miners, selling them at AMT prices. Tongue (Nope, never sold anything more than a few thousand $5 items before that point. Funny thing is, he thinks he will have access to that money. Paypal will hold it, until it is delivered and confirmed. However, if someone sends him BTC... He wins. He just has to reject the paypal payers to keep a clean slate.)

That is a normal eBay scammer... sells crap like USB sticks and pre-pay cards... by the thousands... then instantly seems to have big-ticket items like 70" TV's and $15K BTC miners one day... (Looks trusting, look at all those reviews! lol. Sell ten, run away, deliver nothing, make a new account with auto-drop-shipper listings for more $5 items, get tons of good reviews for crap, sell more big-ticket-items, repeat.)

lol I have that case... it has a lot of problems with the top fan... crapped out on me twice, got 6 fans in the though...
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
March 15, 2014, 10:05:54 AM
Time to wake up and smell the bullshit. AMT brought this upon themselves, and now you just want everyone to 'be nice'. Not going to happen.

There is still a small, but fast-closing window, for AMT to start acting like a respectable business and tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but and then to work with us to find a solution of some kind.  

If there is any saving AMT, they need to tell us everything, right now.  I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know and I want them to stop lying, stop hiding.  Tell us that they really are a bunch of b-school dropouts who thought that starting a bitcoin mining machine manufacturer would be just as easy as creating a web site, and now they really are sorry that they realize their mistake; tell us that they are sorry about lying about having already shipped, when in fact not a single unit has been built and shipped by AMT; tell us that they were horribly wrong and now are in way over their heads; apologize for being defensive and non-responsive, and mean it; tell us customers, who have essentially funded their company, exactly what the product designs exist, what testing results are, what problems need to be overcome; and with us customers, develop a realistic plan to delivery something soon, OR  give up, sell off assets, and refund on a pro rata basis as much as possible but in any case involve us in the decision since its our money they wasted.

I am not saying all that is true, only that the real truth can't be much worse than that.  While not everyone might be so generous, I am willing to be "nice" if I know that AMT is working with us and being upfront, giving us everything now that it is clear they cannot delivery as promised.

The more I hear nothing from AMT, the more I am convinced that documents are being shredded and assets hidden while we wait and that makes me want to act quickly.  And to AMT: you know my name, go ahead and google me.  Ask yourself if you really want someone with my resources chasing you to the ends of the earth.  If AMT doesn't speak up soon, I won't care about my investment (doubled as I tried to help AMT out) I will be a lot more interested in seeing someone go to jail.  

Your decision Josh or whomever you are.  Please make the right decision.

I've already got the ball rolling on this. The only times I have received responses is by threats of legal action, once I acknowledge their bank knows them, they were happy and excited that someone was willing to vouch for them, however they were upset I was playing detective and calling the neighboring businesses. I will not vouch for them until I have my working miner in hand that was promised to me over a month ago. If I don't get my money/miner will I be upset? sure. Will it kill me? no. But AMT wants to scam me, I will do everything in my legal capacity to make sure someone pays for trying to screw me over and I don't care if I have to shell out more money to make that happen.

Not to diss you, bud, but I find it odd that a bank would state who is or isn't their customer via simply asking. Now, if you had a check in hand depicting their account number, the only info they should be able to answer is if there's enough funds in the account to satisfy the check. NOTHING more. Not even correcting the spelling of a name if you had to spell it out to them. I, for one, would close my account at any bank if I learnt that a stranger was able to walk up to the counter, or via phone, and ask if I had an account with them. That is a very valuable piece of information regardless if the answer is yes or no.

Again, not a diss toward you, bud, with apologies.

No offense taken. But I did get the banks info off the internet and I called them directly. Eagle National Bank. I didn't ask if they were customers of Eagle, I just asked if anyone in their office has seen or heard of AMT and the lady said "yes of course, they are customers of ours". As I said, they didn't tell me they have seen them in their physical address only they are customers of theirs which means little to no value to me. I have yet to hear from locals that they have physically been in AMT and seen them and no, a post on a forum saying someone has been there is not sufficient.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
Just a regular guy who likes his fiber.
March 15, 2014, 09:46:02 AM
let's just say you aren't doing any better than myself so why don't you shut your mouth.

Josh with AMT emailed me again today and said that my check is in the mail... here we go again.

Next time don't shill for an unknown company just to get 5% discount you idiot!

eat a bowl of dicks.

Where does one find a bowl of dicks? I'll assume your home since you brought it up.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
March 15, 2014, 09:22:12 AM
let's just say you aren't doing any better than myself so why don't you shut your mouth.

Josh with AMT emailed me again today and said that my check is in the mail... here we go again.

Next time don't shill for an unknown company just to get 5% discount you idiot!

eat a bowl of dicks.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1007
March 15, 2014, 07:15:20 AM
let's just say you aren't doing any better than myself so why don't you shut your mouth.

Josh with AMT emailed me again today and said that my check is in the mail... here we go again.

Next time don't shill for an unknown company just to get 5% discount you idiot!
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
Just a regular guy who likes his fiber.
March 15, 2014, 06:15:04 AM
Here's a couple YouTube stats that don't make sense: Bitmine AG has 159 subscribers, while AMT Miners only has 29.

In comparison, HashFast Technologies has 83 subscribers, and Rawdogletard has 2,096.

You never know with youtube.

I think bitmine's videos are better than AMTs I'd subscribe to them over AMT.
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 15, 2014, 05:33:53 AM
Here's a couple YouTube stats that don't make sense: Bitmine AG has 159 subscribers, while AMT Miners only has 29.

In comparison, HashFast Technologies has 83 subscribers, and Rawdogletard has 2,096.
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 15, 2014, 05:17:22 AM

That is Ning Lu's correct info, and he even shows his phone number here:

That eBay listing is so weird. The pieces don't fit with the Post It note we've seen there, and Josh's photo on the 31st/1st.
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Activity: 504
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March 15, 2014, 04:55:32 AM
Not only that, but now they have more competition...

AntMiner S2 will be out on April 1st, hashing at 1THs at 1000W... Roughly around $3500.

I am not sure the 1.5THs is enough incentive to stop people from asking for a refund at this point. By AMT's own statement of delivery dates... (Without another update since then.) I have a feeling more people will be calling for refunds, and few new purchases will be made to cover those losses, at these prices. (Still, it would be in their favor, giving refunds for 1.5THs units, taken from 1.2THs purchases that obviously don't have to be delivered for at-least another month, from the dates promised to buyers today.)

Myself, well, I personally have a few weeks left in my thinning patience. Not because I am impatient, but more because at this point, I have no other options available. I feel like this is a loan now. I am thinking about adding on interest. Tongue

Going to sleep on it... lol.
Activity: 1918
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Just a regular guy who likes his fiber.
March 15, 2014, 04:38:21 AM
My assumption to until this point has been that they are over their heads and their timeline has been off a couple of times.  This theory , and it's only that at the moment, is at least supported by the info we can gather from the pictures.

Now why they would come on and claim to be shipping, and what not is what I don't care for because that is where the lie is. My guess is they were trying to save face after what was another delay in the supply chain, be that because they didn't meet their commitmentment or because of revisions they didn't expect pushing full manufacturing out to later than expected. 

Then when you lie you can't back peddle because you've been caught. So you make another lie and dig yourself a nice little hole.

Now had they come forward and said " is the problem Z is the solution. We are doing Z to get back on track" They wouldn't have to play this game. But that is what dishonesty gets you, more trouble. Then you get people asking if you've shipped where is my tracking number and miner? So then you ignore them.

Any e-mail I've sent lambasting their customer service is answer uniformly with we're sorry. Then the a brief update, which at that point can't be trusted because before.

Now this is just my opinion from my years in customer service and customer service management. I think they are being directed to say one thing by whoever is running the show and that the employees are just toeing the company line and are probably embarrassed but are stuck doing as they are told.

That said, it is my personal belief that the miners are going to ship, but I'm not sure when. I'm hoping they are catching up on a back long and are planning to make a couple larger shipments to try to get on track.
If they don't then that is all on me for not doing enough research.

Now if they are truly scamming which doesn't make sense with the type of investment they seems to have put in, then my attitude is different and I'm going to nail their thieving asses to the floor.

Though a good pic of Josh or hell the amt team with some hardware or even bare chips as they are resellers would go a long way to help. A video would be top notch. But they are now trying to maintain a quickly decaying facade.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
March 15, 2014, 04:22:52 AM
ISAWHIM: Are you going to work for AMT or what?

Nope, still sitting at home... Waiting, like everyone-else...

My last quoted shipment date has passed now too... Looking to spend the rest of my money on AntMiners now. Just so I have something to consume my time, while I wait for AMT.

They need a new game-plan. At the moment, this one will end-up leaving them out of business before they even begin to ship the 1.2THs miners. (Since they are apparently only shipping the non-THs miners and A1 chips, in the stated "shipped orders".)

Though, bitmine is in the same boat. Same hardware/software issues, stalling the chained chips from operating at the same level as the individual test chips. (I still think it is a data-line length issue. The test-boards all had ribbon-cables or data-lines of equal length. So by resistance, the data-bits are all lined-up. Curving data-lines is like running on an oval-track. The guy on the inside lane has a shorter distance than the guy on the outer-edge. That is why they off-set the starting-positions. To make the finish-line the same distance for them all. Data-lines are the same. One short one, and the bits are all out of sync. Works for lower-frequencies, but dies on faster frequencies where the data should all be aligned. Looks like 8-bits of output and 8-bits of input, or 16-bits of input/output, on the chips. That is a lot of data-lines to equalize with resistance, across the PCB. That, or the use of bit-buffers would work too.)
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Activity: 854
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Just a regular guy who likes his fiber.
March 15, 2014, 04:15:48 AM
The only way it could be legit, but makes no sense is that he penned the note prior to the 31st. At least 10 days. Perhaps when they got their first test chips he wrote it to the staff. Why would he be telling us to Hustle? Then he gets the set of chips for production and adds the date.  But that doesn't make sense anyway because the day of the visit.

Maybe the guy, is a friend or employee of the company?

If he's a buyer of a 1.2 th miner then it makes sense he'd subscribe to the youtube channel.

People are asking for refunds and AMT made mention money was tight so they  are having a liquidity problem. THey sell one or two miners at a premium of 3x they can handle 6 refunds even if it only costs them the goods of the two miners. This suggests that have a working product which people have said but proof hasn't been offered either way.

According to the exif data, it was taken Feb 1st at 3:47AM.

same date that I found on the EFIX data pertaining to the pictures of the chips. Which they said they received on the 31st. Could be a possibility that they had the weekend off and then chips came in a shipment on the 31st in the evening. My picture of the chips that I have that they had posted on their website says it was taken 2/1/14 @ 3:51 AM.

But they didn't update the site with that info until the the end of Feb or so. And then back dates stuff from november forward. Including a picture of the backplane with the AMT-Bitmine backplane that was put up supposedly on the 10th but with EFIX data of 2/20/14 at 2:10 pm. Which was taking at the manufacturer's location which I tracked via the GPS data to the address of this company .

My guess the 20th is when they first got the back planes., I don't know about any other boards. which means they have been working on them ( if they had all the parts as of the 20th) for 23 days at this point. That includes any testing, fixes and assembly.
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 15, 2014, 04:11:30 AM
anyone notice that this miner for sale on ebay has the post it note on the table that was used to update this forum when they received chips back at the end of january? why would that picture of a supposed completed miner have that post it note still in it? how would this guy on ebay have a picture of a miner at AMT's office? did they have this miner complete way back then? have they been using our miners for some time now? AMT is nothing but a bunch of con artists. they will get exposed for what they are soon enough. AMT is nothing but one massive fraud.


You can quote me directly. You don't have beat around the bush.

The things you saw are disgusting and they serve to discredit you. You could go about it without bringing nationality into it. You could do it without bringing your commentary on people's physical appearance into it, but you don't. Your case would be much stronger if you gave the information you were trying to give without the ridiculous commentary.  But maybe that's the "charm" That makes you the self professed Most Interesting Bitcoiner In The World.

I said it makes you look untrustworthy, not that you are untrustworthy. I'm sure any number of people would vouch for you. But it doesn't change how some people might perceive you. I didn't say anything about race just nationality. 

Hate Speech:
1. (Sociology) speech disparaging a racial, sexual, or ethnic group or a member of such a group

So if the shoe fits wear it.

Did you read the part where the NIGGER hit the baby once (at least that's all my niece opted to admit to, and she's never been caught lying, unlike her two NIGGER brothers, my nephews)? Now, you tell my how the hell is it possible for you to construe that I'm a racist via referring to one black guy, who used to be a great guy, and two white guys that are my nephews, as NIGGERS.

As far as being untrustworthy, I've never taken a damn thing form anybody, including from fellow bitcoiners, and don't plan on starting in this lifetime. Even though I used a motherfuckin' shotgun to hunt, everything I try to do is to benefit Bitcoin, ergo your bitcoin position. For thanks, you stick it up my ass because I referred to a once great black gentleman now as a NIGGER because that is exactly what he is--a motherfuckin', low-life, piece of shit NIGGER. Get over, SON!


Apologies for not quoting you directly, for that was not my intent. It was one of the rare times that I opted to reply to two quotes at once, sans quoting yours, of which was NOT meant... not meant... lost for words, but you know what I mean. I sincerely hope you get over the fact that I didn't quote you.

Now, you going to thank me for finding that eBayer who listed that AMT miner, or not?

I did happen to see that thread, but wasn't referencing that one. I was referencing things in this thread alone. I even highlighted the I was referring too.  If you look again I didn't highlight racist. I highlighted the part about ethnicity. You seem to have some confusion between the two concept so here is a helpful page, (not trying to be a dick here, i've actually used it my self to help clear up my misunderstandings of the definitions before)

I'm glad you specified it was anger and not enthusiasm, but I will ask you not to shove anything up my ass today, if you were looking to do that I could have invited you to the colonoscopy I had at noon today ( the sedation helps but I think they would have needed to put me completely out for the pineapple.)

I've complimented you before on you especially in your use of trying to raise awareness of bitcoin as a great vehicle for donations for charity. I find the work to be absolutely top notch. And I believe you have the good of bitcoin rooted firmly in your heart. I never said you took anything from or any or ever had.

I said you did a disservice because despite all the good things you do, your manner can be quite off putting and non-inclusive. It masks the good you do rather than exemplifying when you saw "Jewish Bulgarian Freemason"  and things of that sort in what comes across contextually as derogatory.  I'm not accusing you nor have I accused you of any legal wrong doing.

And yes, I will indeed say thank you for quickly getting to the bottom of the ebay thing. I think it holds more weight, in my opinion at least, that you did it without using derogatory comments about the person.

Fair enough, bud.

Will stick with why I refer to him a Jewish Bulgarian Freemasons. First, I am Jewish and a Lithuanian, ergo I'm a Jewish Lugan. Anybody can call me that, and I wouldn't be offended.

Jewish, because Joshua Zipkin refers to himself as Jewish, as heard in this video:

Bulgarian, because he is, as stated and by him.

Freemasons, because he lied about not knowing anything about Freemasons or how that meme got started, going as far as stating that any images uploaded were fake, like the one below depicting his dad on the far left.

Jewish Bulgarian Freemasons is not meant as a slur toward Joshua Zipkin, nor meant to offend him and or other persons. For that matter, I would never refer to JZ via the N-word in all caps, term saved for sub-humans preforming hideous acts in RL.

Sounds good, if you're not using them to be derogatory, then let me apologize for the misunderstanding . I am sorry.

No problem at all, bud.
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 15, 2014, 04:09:55 AM
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