So yea, we'll go back to work now that this is all over. Please see the video above.
Summary - We spoke for 20 minutes, he believes he is like some ark angel of the forum by posting they way he does. We showed off our miners and he asked to buy one, we said ok. We didn't pay any bounty, he was such an upstanding guy he wouldn't have taken it. And we didn't offer it anyway. He removed the posts because he saw we were legit and he sees that we're not drinking tequilas on some island.
We did stop at superfresh down the street, but they were out of pineapples, so no one got pricked this evening.
Okay... now that Phin has confirmed it is real..... anyone want to buy my pre-order?
Order #961 ... Still 6.5 BTC.... even after the massive BTC price drop.... that is just $3,250. PM me
Gheghe.... Good luck with that.
Nothing is real as of yet. Nothing has been confirmed as far as I'm concerned (and I am). The funniest thing about the video: you see Phin pointing at a machine but no one bothered to sway the camera in that particular direction. I have seen nothing to prove that they have actual working miners.