

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer
One thing that I'm struggling with is the lack of an official place where I know I can go to get more official information on the coin, updates on what is happening, and cast my vote in a way that's not too arduous. As far as I can tell, these three things are all happening in a couple of different threads on this board.

Does a centralized hub for this type of information exist currently?

This is a good question.

The original thread is locked and is not under my control.
This thread is moderated and not under my control. is controlled by me. Once we have things sorted out a bit, I plan to move that thread over into the ANN section to become the new official unmoderated thread, or create a new one, whichever you all prefer. My goal is to get everything consolidated, organized, scoped, legalized, and on track by the end of this week.

Thanks for your quick reply, and thank you for all of your hard work getting this sorted!

Do you have resources that can be devoted to making the site more of a centralized hub for updates and voting? While I understand it may not be feasible to implement a voting application on that domain, there could at least be a dedicated Bitcointalk thread that is linked prominently and where all voting could take place. To be honest I don't even know what the current voting mechanism is (beyond the one found here: If you're interested in more votes, people need an easy way to know where to go to cast them. Bonus if they pass through a portal that has up to date information regarding official developments (the LLC, for example). Another prominent link to the official BTCTalk discussion thread after it's been created would also help pull together the disparate members of the community to get a better sense of their desire for the direction of the coin.

Just to be clear, I think it's wise to have makecryptogreatagain as more of a back end development and community portal, while having (or something similar) as a media and marketing portal that's more palatable to those interested in donating and buying coins but who may not be interested in the development or community aspects.

These are all good suggestions.

In response to this and other feedback that I have received regarding how to properly structure voting in a convenient and provably fair manner, I have reached out to with the following correspondence:

Hi. I am the owner of TrumpCoin, LLC ( which is a new company established this week in Virginia. We are spearheading what we are calling CauseCoin technology or more specifically a cryptocurrency connected to an FEC registered Super PAC who intends to raise awareness about blockchain technologies by demonstrating how these techs can be used to bypass special interests in government in order to balance power back into the peoples' hands. We also identify ourselves as a democratic organization, that is, one that elects its leaders and hold votes in order to establish bi-laws and protocol. I feel that we share mutual interests and may find mutual benefit in a relationship with each other. I am interested in opening discussions with an agent of your organization in order to forge a mutually beneficial exchange of resources. I look forward to your response.

I'll keep you posted on this as well as any other developments related to your suggestions above.

Thank you.

full member
Activity: 158
Merit: 100
I believe that whoever becomes the treasurer will need to have his ID verified as a bare neccesity to establish (additional) trust.

Yes, of course. The treasurer will be required to become an employee and/or agent of TrumpCoin, LLC. This will require identification, NDA, a background and credit check before being allowed to access any company accounts, crypto or fiat.

Does that also imply that the treasurer will need to be a US citizen? I was assuming he/she would need to be, but I'm not quite sure.

Yes. I can only hire U.S. nationals and the FEC requires that all members of a Super PAC organization be U.S. nationals.

EDIT: Temporary residence inside the U.S. territories and a green card qualify a person as a U.S. national.

I think the treasurer should be. (No specific order)

1. Third party legally bound to a contract (Lawyer)
2. Celebrity with much more to lose from scandal (Dude that was going to be on AJ? Doesn't have to be a giant celeb...)
3. Contact whoever handled the ICO funds for other recent coins (I think Rise did some type of escrow through coinbase)

It will be too easy for people to blow holes in our story if its internal. Even multi sig is fishy.

If nothing else I'd rather just have Signal hold them. If he does anything weird at this point the coins over with regardless.

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
One thing that I'm struggling with is the lack of an official place where I know I can go to get more official information on the coin, updates on what is happening, and cast my vote in a way that's not too arduous. As far as I can tell, these three things are all happening in a couple of different threads on this board.

Does a centralized hub for this type of information exist currently?

This is a good question.

The original thread is locked and is not under my control.
This thread is moderated and not under my control. is controlled by me. Once we have things sorted out a bit, I plan to move that thread over into the ANN section to become the new official unmoderated thread, or create a new one, whichever you all prefer. My goal is to get everything consolidated, organized, scoped, legalized, and on track by the end of this week.

Thanks for your quick reply, and thank you for all of your hard work getting this sorted!

Do you have resources that can be devoted to making the site more of a centralized hub for updates and voting? While I understand it may not be feasible to implement a voting application on that domain, there could at least be a dedicated Bitcointalk thread that is linked prominently and where all voting could take place. To be honest I don't even know what the current voting mechanism is (beyond the one found here: If you're interested in more votes, people need an easy way to know where to go to cast them. Bonus if they pass through a portal that has up to date information regarding official developments (the LLC, for example). Another prominent link to the official BTCTalk discussion thread after it's been created would also help pull together the disparate members of the community to get a better sense of their desire for the direction of the coin.

Just to be clear, I think it's wise to have makecryptogreatagain as more of a back end development and community portal, while having (or something similar) as a media and marketing portal that's more palatable to those interested in donating and buying coins but who may not be interested in the development or community aspects.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer
One thing that I'm struggling with is the lack of an official place where I know I can go to get more official information on the coin, updates on what is happening, and cast my vote in a way that's not too arduous. As far as I can tell, these three things are all happening in a couple of different threads on this board.

Does a centralized hub for this type of information exist currently?

This is a good question.

The original thread is locked and is not under my control.
This thread is moderated and not under my control. is controlled by me. Once we have things sorted out a bit, I plan to move that thread over into the ANN section to become the new official unmoderated thread, or create a new one, whichever you all prefer. My goal is to get everything consolidated, organized, scoped, legalized, and on track by the end of this week.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
I think we need a new announcement thread run by Signal7 if he is taking over.
Activity: 75
Merit: 10
One thing that I'm struggling with is the lack of an official place where I know I can go to get more official information on the coin, updates on what is happening, and cast my vote in a way that's not too arduous. As far as I can tell, these three things are all happening in a couple of different threads on this board.

Does a centralized hub for this type of information exist currently?
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer
I believe that whoever becomes the treasurer will need to have his ID verified as a bare neccesity to establish (additional) trust.

Yes, of course. The treasurer will be required to become an employee and/or agent of TrumpCoin, LLC. This will require identification, NDA, a background and credit check before being allowed to access any company accounts, crypto or fiat.

Does that also imply that the treasurer will need to be a US citizen? I was assuming he/she would need to be, but I'm not quite sure.

Yes. I can only hire U.S. nationals and the FEC requires that all members of a Super PAC organization be U.S. nationals.

EDIT: Temporary residence inside the U.S. territories and a green card qualify a person as a U.S. national.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
I believe that whoever becomes the treasurer will need to have his ID verified as a bare neccesity to establish (additional) trust.

Yes, of course. The treasurer will be required to become an employee and/or agent of TrumpCoin, LLC. This will require identification, NDA, a background and credit check before being allowed to access any company accounts, crypto or fiat.

Does that also imply that the treasurer will need to be a US citizen? I was assuming he/she would need to be, but I'm not quite sure.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer
I believe that whoever becomes the treasurer will need to have his ID verified as a bare neccesity to establish (additional) trust.

Yes, of course. The treasurer will be required to become an employee and/or agent of TrumpCoin, LLC. This will require identification, NDA, a background and credit check before being allowed to access any company accounts, crypto or fiat.

Prospective treasurers should also be aware that the treasurer's name is a required field on the Statement of Organization that has to be filed with the FEC in order to start a legal Super PAC.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
I believe that whoever becomes the treasurer will need to have his ID verified as a bare neccesity in order to establish (additional) trust.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
A forum vote sounds good. I've been following this thread and waiting to vote on leadership but I wasn't aware that we had to register. Based on the llc and your choice to take things slowly I was gonna vote for you anyway though. I would like to see the creator of the coin be involved in some capacity, even if it's just ceremonial and assuming he wants to.

I also need nominations for Treasurer.

I nominate Bitbob. He has proven himself as a valuable asset to the coin and the community and is willing to reveal his identity to protect the accountability of the coin.

Please consider supporting him as he is truly passionate
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer

Should Signal7 assume the temporary role of TrumpCoin Chairman and assemble a temporary board of directors that will work to progress TrumpCoin as an official Super PAC and build a more democtratic community?

Vote here:

The poll will close exactly 24 hours from the timestamp on this post.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
I am willing to be treasurer if no one else wants to do it.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
great to see it's going on.
I like to see Signal as the chairman because i put all my trust in him to lead this project to succeed.

Thanks Signal!
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 102
A forum poll will probably be the quickest for informal ideas on direction and suggestions. (Not verifiable who is voting)

Internal, registered voting would be best for organizational decisions, Board member discussions, etc (Vetted persons)
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
I just feel as if the community is antsy to move forward. Or maybe that's just me  Grin
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
TrumpCoin Lead Developer
A forum vote sounds good. I've been following this thread and waiting to vote on leadership but I wasn't aware that we had to register. Based on the llc and your choice to take things slowly I was gonna vote for you anyway though. I would like to see the creator of the coin be involved in some capacity, even if it's just ceremonial and assuming he wants to.

The creator, Chicken65, is still involved and I communicate with him regularly. He is not a U.S. national so he cannot help with any of the legalities or directly contribute to an official PAC as per FEC guidelines.
He continues to support the project as its Founder.

I am happy to setup forum votes to move forward.

I nominate myself as chairman. If there are other nominees for this position, I am happy to include them, else I will create a simple yay or nay vote.

I also need nominations for Treasurer.
Activity: 105
Merit: 10
Media Content Manager - TrumpCoin
My vote remains with Signal but the forum poll is a good idea as well
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
Ok so after about a week, I still only have 10 people registered for voting.
This is not enough to do anything fair or productive.

I also have feedback from several people advising me that I should just take command and move forward.

I very seriously want to file our Statement of Organization to move forward with a certifiably legitimate Super PAC to support Donald Trump for President in the most legal, transparent, and productive way possible.

I can NOT move forward without at least one official treasurer.

I am standing at a crossroads.

Do I hold treasury elections with the 10 members that have joined the voting system?

OR move forward, just taking the lead with this thing, choose a treasurer, and finalize all of the legalities for our PAC?

OR grind through trying to convince more of you to vote and continue down the path that I started.

In any case, elections for the TrumpCoin Board of Directors will eventually happen as enough people become involved.
In any case, voting and opinion polls will be utilized to ensure things are moving in a direction approved by the majority.

tldr; Do you all want to participate in directing this thing or do you want me to just do my thing and report to you each step and decision along the way?

TrumpCoin belongs to you. Tell me please, how would you like to proceed?

EDIT: I just realized that I can add a poll for forum members on my thread. Shall we utilize that to decide how to proceed?

Setting up a poll is a good idea signal especially since the current vote.trumpcoin system is a bit inaccesible (first you have to manually send an email, and then you have to register etc). I expect a bit more people to participate in the polls in this thread because it's much more convenient to vote here.

Personally, I'd like to see you take the lead on trumpcoin because people trust you and you're doing a great job but you would definitely need a board of directors sooner or later to assist you because one man can only do so much especially when said man has a family & a day job.

So I think we should temporarily move on with you taking the lead so we can get the ball rolling and hopefully get more people involved. Those who voted on the vote.trumpcoin could be on a temporary board of directors of some sort, to assist in whatever capacity they can (be it voting, brainstorming etc). We can always elect of a definitive board of directors later when there's more people to choose from and we've got the basics up and running. Once we've reached a couple of milestones (such as picking a treasurer & setting up the super pac) we can get back to getting the majority involved.

But for now I'd urge you to keep moving forward to lay down the foundation.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
I'm fine with a forum vote, and I'm fine with you taking the lead. I just think we should get things started as soon as possible as the convention is coming soon. I'd say you could pick your own treasurer and then ask if the community is ok with them.
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