Or in my case do both, Lend and Trade,
with the majority on the "Lending" Side,
and of course a small portion on the Trading Side
simply for the action,
at least that's my plans for the future.
Welcome to the club
It's nice to see there are people on this forum willing to change their mind when given reasonable arguments.
Not that there are reasonable arguments,
it's just that "Any Blind Man Can See The Obvious Choice",
But I will say this from a Trader's Point of View
being a member of http://TradingView.com
A "Coiner" / BitCoin Trader biggest goal in life for the most part
regarding Trading BitCoin is to seize the moment / "Carpe Diem" / To Pick-up "Cheap Coins"
It's the Mantra / Saying of all Coiners, and anyone fooling themselves into thinking differently
is only being disillusional, to deny Coiners / Traders that opportunity will also spread like wildfire
within Communities and I think it was you saying earlier that "BitFinex can always find more Traders",
I would not necessarily agree with that, for instance, I'm fully aware that Btc-e use to have their
Official BitCoinTalk Thread on their front page of their website trading platform, they have since
removed / deleted the thread because they had too many complaints in that thread regarding
lost wire-transfers, transfers in the amounts of over $10,000 USD each to the point of eventually
being labeled as "Selective Scamming", there was a reason that I chose BitFinex who to this day
has handled my wires efficiently and effectively, and still to this day I will not touch Btc-e with
a 10-Foot Pole,
I refer to them as the "Bad Russians" and Stamp as the "Good Russians" and yes
I know that Btc-e has a Cyprus Address and Stamp is Bulgarian, but what I'm referring to here is
"Reputation" and having been a full-time "Internet Marketer" for the last 5-Years I can tell you that
unlike in the realworld where one can hide, one's internet reputation is everything, all that is needed
is one un-happy customer to go rabid and start posting crap all over the internet rather it's true or
not and it can utterly destroy a on-line business, I've seen it happen on more than one occasion.
Take https://intersango.com/ / Intersango.com one of the first BitCoin Exchanges, that now reads:
Notice: Bitcoin Transactions Halted
The system running the hotwallet has halted due to scheduled downtime of power facilities.
All bitcoin transactions will be halted until such time as the system can be manually restarted.
Everyone knows that they have been dead for quite sometime now,
but my question to you is that even if they came back up again,
would you do business with them ?
Point and Case is, "Reputation Is Everything",
Trust, once it's gone, it can't be earned back
In order for those guys to open again,
they would have to open under a New Name.