You said your order number is in the 400-500 range? I don't want to sound like a stuck record...but as I already mentioned - if it's <450 you will have your tracking number already, so why not just post your tracking number here? And if it's >450 then let me know and I'll gladly publicly post your tracking number on Monday when I have had a moment to get through the stack of 250 tracking numbers we received on Friday. Unfortunately I cannot make you and the tracking numbers my priority today - not only is it the weekend and spending time with my wife takes precedence over my work, but our photographer is here to shoot a new How To Assemble guide, as we've had several requests from customers who received their order for a more usable guide (apparently my little diagrams aren't good enough;)
Relax. It's a Saturday. I will most likely only be able to send out tracking numbers on Monday morning (GMT +2). Spend some time with your family or play video games or whatever works for you.