The latest news is that our dev team is building a brand new codebase from the ground up.
Technical details of this undertaking can be read here:
Follow commits on Github here:
Here is an excerpt from the new whitepaper:
Rise is being developed using Node.js[1] for the application backend, Go and shell scripts for the server, through Dokku and Docker.
Node.js was selected because of its highly efficient concurency model, due to the nature of Javascripts evented model.
The database in use is MongoDB[2]. MongoDB was selected based on the NodeJS application development framework that has been selected for use, Meteor[3].
The Meteor framework uses a SocksJS based data protocol layer called the Distributed Data Protocol (DDP). This protocol was designed by the Meteor Development Group to be a highly scalable, fast, and low latency distributed data protocol.
Dokku[4] and Docker[5] were selected because of its functional ability to create entirely separate application environments through the use of LXC[6] containers in Linux. A Dapp written in any language will be sandboxed by the LXC containers, exposed to the World only on port 80 by default, and will connect to the primary Rise Node application on that server through internal networking.
React[7] is a Javascript View (from MVC) library. It utilizes a Virtual DOM with Differential updates to make changes to the page, and controls data flow with one-way reactivity. If the model changes, the view will update to change. It also uses Compoents to template web pages, making complex application UI development streamlined. React's use of a Virtual Dom with Differentials updates allows changes to the UI to be made quickly on a user's click. Instead of having to rerender the entire page, we can rerender just the parts that need updating.
Read all of it here:
Meteor is a powerful javascript framework. Thx for the update McVenture