Here We Go – Orlando Jihadist Was Radicalized By Prison Trained Black Panther Marcus Dwayne Robertson…
Oh boy, all the dots are connecting quickly now…. We suspected this would happen. This is going to make the White House very uncomfortable because it connects the Muslim/Islamist elements of the •Black Lives Matter, •Fuck The Police, and •New Black Panthers… connections we have been outlining for five years.
Orlando Jihadist Omar Matten was radicalized by New Back Panther Party Member, Marcus Dwayne Robertson (below left), who is a known advocate of radical Islam in Florida and was formerly famous for being a bodyguard for the Blind Sheik.
Marcus Robertson is a severely anti-gay Muslim activist, and has an on-line radicalization class known as “Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.” CTH readers will also know the names of other participants in his studies such as Eric Sheppard Jr and the “F**k The Flag” movement.
Founded at
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Key people:
Elijah Muhammad
Louis Farrakhan
Official language
English, Arabic
Membership (2007 estimate)
Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois
One sure when was the last time that an heroin, cocain, weed or what ever psychoactive users went on a killing spree to defend his usage? Of course every law enforcement officers know it's way easier to arrest someone on a mind altering substance than a determined seeking martyrdom terrorist wearing a suicide jacket while reloading his ak.
Ironic there, a few posts earlier about how terrible the Chinese firewall is (wtf 500ms lag, yes it's horrible) and how courageous Chinese payed by foreigners are... Meanwhile in Amercia... Reddit, Twitter, facebook, alphabet and all the other censor on their own initiative... Who said better clean your home before criticizing the one of your neighbors? Certainly a terrorist^^
Violence is a lagging indicator of debt propagation and consequences
Thin foil hat: paetrus was speaking this week about removing the second amendment... This will hopefully be the last push of Obama admin to remove it... Be warned it will be massive. But the spin of this one will be hard.
All coalitions forces that went to Afghanistan must know that there is still a lot of blood violence that wasn't settled: drone strikes by the cia on weddings, hospitals buried by ac135 hellfire, imposing of foreign cultural norms, support of a corrupt gov, the war on the most profitable cash crops... Remember soviet army went there and is no more...
Maybe after one of the next events (there will be) will the western corrupt oligarchs understand why unity is to be achieved or gone the west will. No more stupid war on drug that divide, no more my community before all (goes for the gays too), why debt exploitation and all the other scam and scheme will only weaken the west. Or to rephrase in a biological term:
The parasites must understand that the host is under attack by a Parasite hunter specifically designed to feed on the parasite.