I am glad I did this as "alpha test", wow, getting this "whitespace problem" squashed has been a marathon.
The full set of fixes are in the smartcontracts branch of FellowTraveler's GitHub repo, not yet merged back into the master branch.
I have generated new certificates, used them to create a new nym to serve as admin/signing nym for a new server, and used that nym to sign a new DigitalisOTserver.otc which I have uploaded to the galactic milieu files download directory on SourceForge.
I have also created a sample/example "empty" ~/.ot directory for clients, it has no nyms no currencies no accounts but does have my new server-contract and uploaded it to SourceForge as dot-ot-empty.client.tgz
I have lots of currency contracts to write and sign using the latest fixed versions of the OT server and client, as I create those I will put the .otc files of the contracts on SourceForge and also start putting a dot-ot-clean.client.tgz that will have the main currencies my server intends to work with as well as my server's contract.
We are still in alpha; FellowTraveler intends to check that my contracts work on his installed client and so on tomorrow.
However, even in alpha it is worth being aware that although Open Transactions is not totally married to its past with merkle trees like blockchains are, there is some one thing building upon another involved. So if at any point you feel ready to create some nym or contract or account that might make you not want to totally delete your ~/.ot and start over again from a fresh new dot-ot-empty.client.tgz or dot-ot-clean.client.tgz that is the moment when you should seriously consider the stuff that is in ~/.ot/client_data/certs/special.
In there we have placed a certificate authority (ca.crt) and a certificate signed by that authority (client.pem).
You will probably not want to use those distributed ones for creating any mission-critical nyms, nor presumably any nyms created using them for any mission-critical accounts and especially not for signing any mission-critical contracts.
I am right now going through everything on my side making sure they are not the same ones my server's client_data has nor the same ones my personal ~/.ot has.
Well actually, the ca.crt seems to stay the same, as it is not part of what gets generated when you do the make in the source code's ssl directory to generate new certs for the client and server. So I am not yet sure who the certificate authority actually is or was. But the rest of the special stuff does get made fresh. (In sourcs dir, do cd ssl then touch *.cnf or actually tailor the .cnf files to your needs, then make).
If you have a "real" certificate for your http website or whatever, then maybe you might want to use that for creating your website's client_data so signing things relating to your website using OT will have some kind of actual back-trail all the way back to the root cert that signed the certs of the cert authority that issued you your website cert.
EDIT: When you "make" OT, it does NOT currently at time of writing use your fresh new ./ssl stuff to create fresh new sample data. We probably should add to OT's make the making of a frsh newdot-ot-yours or somesuch, I don't think (tho not positive) that the ~/.ot make install creates for the user who runs make install (usually root, since it tries to install binary executables into /usr/local/bin) uses fresh new ./ssl date you maybe created, either.
Some of the files in the ./ssl look like they might be intended for use as, or for making, a ca.crt, but I am not clear what exactly is going on there so thus far I have only been copying a newly made fresh client.pem from there into the ~/.ot/client_data/certs/special directory. So possibly I am not actually ending up with a ca.crt that matches the client.pem. All this will have to be thoroughly checked out to figure out exactly what one should end up putting there, especially in cases where you have real certs signed by a real authority (such as yourself heh.