more trolling memecoin ?
i'd watch your ass.. they WILL ban you for that.. you should know better.
i have tried to discuss this issue like an adult and a few of you insist on Trolling as hard as you can.. page after page
i expect you will be banned for it if you keep flooding these topics with nonsense derailing the conversation.
try contributing something to the discussion.. anything at all.
and make any scam coin you want i couldn't care less and i enjoy bad grammar it makes people like you mad lol
and since i don't like you why on earth would i want to improve the quality of my rants ?
hey memcoin guess what ?
I'm going to post some long winded speeches pointing out the merits of (people like you) endlessly cloning coins
and your gonna sit there and read it all whether you like it or not.. it's happening. come to terms with it coin cloner.
oh and by the way here is a little lesson in basic logic for you mouthy Troll..
Explain to us all why i would be motivated to make a miner that submits bad shares ? am i getting paid for sending bad shares ?
ya your smart lol
I just decimated your trolling garbage what are you going to say in response ? And do you really honestly think you in the same league as me ?
clearly you don't stand a chance so why do you bother ?
The shares you submitted to the pool were counted as valid, yet the shares were in no way able to solve a block. So yes, yes you were getting paid. As far as contributing to this thread, what is there to contribute? I would like one person to provide a piece of evidence that demonstrates how this thread is more than just hot air. Don't worry, I can wait. If you could also go ahead and whip up all the dirt you seem to think you have on me, that'd be great.
only problem with that Troll is i got the guy who ran the pool to defend me.. actually he did it on his own. (just read the SRC ANN page to see yourself people)
further more as i said already numerous times i posted pool logs showing i got about 84% of all found blocks with my tester buddy. So your a liar (there was usually 4 or 5 guys on max)
so you are proven wrong with real world tangible proof i backed up and put on the table for ALL to see.
and once again you repeat the slanderous accusation as you and that other sniveling mensa genius puke has over n over..
and when i call you two pricks out on it and demand you post proof you hide.. again.
i has also given a bunch of builds before you trolling on me to the pool op via email so he knew what i was doing faaar in advance of your accusations.
the guys who coded the coin and miner(s) that mine was based on backed me up too and even yet more the code change responsible for my tweaking
was made and posted by another guy originally on the qrk topic i has stated publicly in chat etc months before you and fucktard started trolling on me
and further more yet, try this on for size.. the guy who ran the pool i was on Ahmed had the source code tweak i used placed on his Getting started page
with a tutorial saying how to compile the miner on linux etc so you are so far full of shit its not even funny if i even look i can grab logs i still have too
On topic.. try this analogy guys.
If i worked at a retail store and had a take a penny leave a penny jar on the counter by the till
and i filled it everyday with change from my pocket and a few guys kept coming and taking it all would you think twice about doing it ?
The concept i am going for here is how people are abusing things and will get carried away with it if you let them.
funny you are acting like that scum bag cloner scammer iGotSpots.. he was the only one waaay back last year that even mentioned that before
and you both popped up on the previous page with this shit and keep hiding when i say prove it then you come back and repeat TROLLING more.
i think we have some account hopping and trolling big time..
the no trolling rule should be enforced fairly ya think staff ? get it ?
remember when i posted a few pictures last month and you banned me but you let this guy do it plus much much more ? what the fuck ? whats up with that shit ?
this jerk is hijacking the hell out of any topic i post on derailing it hard for every forum user to Troll the hell out of me and you guys are ignoring it.. wtf ?
I guess the rules only apply to some users some of the time eh ?
this guy has said all kinds of crap to me on Cryptsy chat before and i have plenty more to expose about him such as when i said earlier he was bragging
about pre-making massive amounts of clone coins to add to Bitcointalk.. one specific day he said he had 10 of them complete and ready to go..
more to come soon.. bragging about scamming to me etc then starting shit with me later is pretty dumb lol
IF your actually memecoin ? which i find strange because you have been super friendly with me for 1 year almost until yesterday when iGotSpots showed up..
i find that a tad odd..
Post your proof memceoin or stfu.. all these people don't want to hear accusations you
can't prove.. we
were talking before your diversion / trolling antics.. coin cloner