You transfer 0.01ETH to the Smart Contract, than you choose your numbers.
Every week Smart Contract will start to chose numbers, by taking last symbol of 6 Hash’s starting from the set time. After numbers were piked, you will automatically receive your prize to your wallet. This system is 100% automatic and eliminates any chance of fraud.
What is the price?
The winning amount is fully depends on the amount of people playing. The 50% of all money goes to the “Jackpot” and 50% are separated between people who got ( 2–5 ) numbers. At the end of the year, the week before Christmas the “ Jackpot” is played between people who played during the year. Each ticket that you get gives you one chance at the end of the year “Grand Game”, the more you play during the year, the more chance you have to win the “Jackpot”. One lucky winner will get all the money that collected in “Jackpot” during the year.
We appreciate every day that we live in our life, ability to get education, ability to have running water at home, and many things that we take as granted . So our platform want to give back, from every prize you win a percentage goes to the charity of the month. We think that benefiting people who can not stand for themselves is an important part of being human.
it is like roulette, will i lose my Ethereum, or no
it is nothing like roulette,in roulette you have some chances to win
the jackpot system is inadequate as in, 50% ! of the pot goes to jackpot that none would hit,given the amount of the players
and the charity touch,awww... there is a tear in my eye