New Coin Naming Convention
I have put together the below standardized format for identifying coins and rounds in the book. IU hope that it becomes standard among physical crypto-currency.
PF - Pre-Funded (coin funded directly by the manufacturer): Casascius, Microsoul, Titan, TGBEX, Crypto Imperator, Alitin, Nasty Fans seat coins
BF - Buyer-Funded (buyer funds coin directly, before it is shipped): Some Lealana coins
UF - Un-Funded (shipped with private key secured, but without loaded value): Ravenbit, an option for many coins
DIY - Do It Yourself (Hologram Sticker or other affixed by customer): Silver Wallets, SerpCoin DIY,
2FA - 2 FActor (loaded value is not redeemable with the Private Key alone): Some Casascius bars, bhCoins 2-factor coin
Round - (no intention/capability to be used to store crypto-currency; cont considered a 'coin'): Anarcoins, Bitcoinnerd, MJB Monetary Metals,
Arent there 3 kinds on Lealana that woulnt be entirely distinguishable from the PF and BF ?
original smoothie funded, definate Pre Funded PF
later self funded prior to smoothie shipping, not lasered as buyer funded, but not funded by smoothie .... are you classing these as Buyer funded BF ? They fit your description, but its confusing, as they arent lasered that way (and others are)
later non funded, but lasered with buyer funded .... from your descriptions .... even though they say buyer funded on the coin, they are unfunded UF ?
Could we have a change in terms to avoid the possible confusion ?
Maker Pre funded
Buyer Pre funded
Buyer (Post) funded
Or similar ?