I dont accept these offers because you guys cant clearly read,I already stated my rules and if you're willing to make REAL deal with me,then just pm me and we'll discuiss details there,not over my thread, sorry.
Good morning, I'm giving you a REAL offer, I just SENT you this PM:
Good Morning
I have $30.00 in my PayPal account, whats your account? Ill send it right now.
My BTC address is 1BXcEHsaV1qPHTLj2jjLW8Tr9z37szPe3t
He replied,
I already told you that I do not accept small orders, and why is that was also explained in my thread.
Whats the minium order?
Dude, your crazy if you think I'm going t send you $500.00. Let me test you with $30.00
Anyway., you replied....
That would be buying 45-46 coins for 200$ (mtgox rate)
200$ is minimum order, i'm not accepting small orders because buyers dont risk anything anyway and I cba to do 10 small orders instead of 1 big because more transactions I make more likely that PayPal may want to know what i'm doing and I prefer to avoid that.
Hope you can understand.
I do understand, however I'm not gonna send $200.00 to a random guy on the forums, no offense.
$30.00 to test, or no go.
Oh, I hope you dont mind Im posting this on the thread so others dont make the same mistake.
Thats the end of my no-sale. fyi for everyone