I posted this question couple of days before, but was deleted. I wonder why, since it's fully on-topic, and perhaps a simptom of a problem woth PhoenixMiner (or it's just me, but the question is honest).
Well, the cas is I got an out of memory problem mining ETC (eth classic) with my 3GB nVidia GTX1060, since a couple of days ago.
Coincidentally with change to epoch #238 (5.9d say's to be good up to epoch #240 and 3gb cards should be able to mine etc until june/22 or so).
Any one with the same issue?
This is the command line:
./PhoenixMiner -pool us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 -wal 0xblablabla -worker myworker -pass x -coin etc
This is the output:
Phoenix Miner 5.9d Linux/gcc - Release build
CUDA version: 11.0, CUDA runtime: 8.0
NVML library initialized
Nvidia driver version: 470.86
OpenCL driver version: 20.40-1147287
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 3 GB VRAM, 9 CUs
GPU2: ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (pcie 2), CUDA cap. 6.1, 3 GB VRAM, 9 CUs
Eth: the pool list contains 1 pool (1 from command-line)
Eth: primary pool: us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444
Starting GPU mining
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 (proto: EthProxy)
GPU1: 35C 26% 7W, GPU2: 36C 27% 40W
GPUs power: 47.1 W
Eth: Connected to ethash pool us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 (
Listening for CDM remote manager at port 3333 in read-only mode
Eth: New job #e801904e from us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: Starting up... (0)
GPU1: Generating etchash light cache for epoch #238
GPU2: Starting up... (0)
Eth: New job #764e3116 from us1-etc.ethermine.org:4444; diff: 4000MH
Light cache generated in 2.0 s (22.7 MB/s)
GPU2: Allocating DAG (2.87) GB; good for epoch up to #240
GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #238
GPU1: Allocating DAG (2.87) GB; good for epoch up to #240
CUDA error in CudaProgram.cu:393 : out of memory (2)
GPU1: CUDA memory: 2.95 GB total, 2.87 GB free
GPU1 initMiner error: out of memory
Fatal error detected. Restarting.
GPU2 initMiner error: Unable to initialize CUDA miner
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Hope somebody could help, and thanks in advance for any hint,