timings from the VBIOS. Each strap level corresponds to a predefined combination of memory timings (-vmt1, -vmt2,
-vmt3, -vmr). Strap level 3 is the fastest predefined level and may not work on most cards, 1 is the slowest (but still faster than
the default timings). Strap levels 4 to 6 are the same as 1 to 3 but with less aggressive refresh rates (i.e. lower "-vmr" values).
I'm getting an error 31 Must be run as administrator...Tried to do so but still getting the error...Wanted to see if this feature could be used instead of the ethlrgmentpl
Right-click the program icon (PhoniexMiner.exe).
Choose Properties.
On the Compatibility tab, select the Run This Program As An Administrator option.
Click OK.
If I run without admin rights it doesn't even return anything, the miner simply doesn't start with "-straps" in the bat file
I'm on 1080ti's as well and have the same issue. 2 rigs different mobos, sane error