You show screenshots of email conversation dating 30.04.2019, what happened afterwards?
You didn't get money for h4ns from Betmaster and you didn't refund 210 euro, i.e. you scammed h4ns.
September 3rd h4ns asked to get the 210€ back and I refunded it with reducing it from the current 20,000€ compensation demand for damages caused by his defamation campaign:
h4ns to GP 20,000€ current compensation demand for damages caused by his defamation campaign - GP to h4ns 210€ = h4ns to GP 19,790
And yes, we know all that bullshit about a new agreement and defamation and all that nonsense that you cooked up to justify your scam.
If you all know that there was a new agreement, why do you support a non-existing July 2019 scam?
No one cares about your fantasies.
h4ns will care!
He breached criminal laws and is liable for the damage caused!
The interesting point is when separate fantasy dream world nonsense shit meets the reality!