More weakness. Sophistry instead of sound arguments. Your "faith in humanity" is just another variant of "but my feels!".
The world is a harsh place, and it won't get any easier with an outlook like that. Work on constructive solutions.
Uhh, you do realize I said I lack faith in humanity. It is my belief that many do not commit crimes out of fear for the law, not out of any moral obligation. Furthermore, it is my belief that if shit hits the fan, a great amount of people that didn't need to commit crimes in our current society will be willing to do anything up to and including murder to ensure their own are fed.
Is a world where you could wind up with the business end of a hammer in the back of your skull without warning a world you want to live in? Is a world where leaders are decided by how bloodthirsty they are, and power vacuums are created constantly a world you want to live in? If so, then I'd ask you the same question: how much human brutality have you experienced?
And if you truly think you're "hard" enough to survive in that environment, just remember that unless you're the hardest guy in the world, there's always someone harder.
It's not a matter of preference in my case. What I would personally prefer does not fit either extreme in these latest pages. What I am saying is this: We are dying. Socialist countries have sub-replacement fertility rates (meaning not enough kids are being born to sustain the population). Other countries, what we commonly think of as backwards, do not. Iraq for example has a fertility rate of 4. All western countries are at or below 2, sometimes well below. We are being outbred, and will eventually be so badly outnumbered that we will lose our place as major players on the world stage.
The reasons socialist countries don't do well in the baby making department are complicated and well beyond the scope of this discussion, but suffice to say that we either dial the welfare state way down or we lose most of our political and economic clout within a span of 50 years, and likely a lot less than that. From there it's a short jump to being invaded, and failing to fend whoever attacks us off.
My preference, if I were to put it in such words, is that my grandkids have a safe country to grow up in. That western countries remain strong enough to fight off anyone who doesn't like us. At this current rate, they will not.