Actually it was originally going to go to 60% gradually, the proposition is to actually diminish the masternode reward.
If I understand this correctly the current emission breakdown, once the transition period is over and it gets fully implemented is 60% - Masternodes and 40% Miners. If the proposal passes, which it seems highly likely to, the emission breakdown becomes 50% Masternodes, 40% Miners and 10% for projects to be voted upon by the Masternodes.
This places DASH in a very interesting situation when it comes government regulation, in particular in the United States since both Even Duffield and the Darkcoin foundation are US persons. It is important to consider the recent events with Ripple,
http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/05/05/settlement_agreement.pdf, where Ripple is being regulated as a Centralized Virtual Currency as opposed to currencies such as Bitcoin or Monero that fall into the De-Centralized Virtual Currency category,
http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs/guidance/html/FIN-2013-G001.html. The key is this from the FinCEN guidance
c. De-Centralized Virtual Currencies
A final type of convertible virtual currency activity involves a de-centralized convertible virtual currency (1) that has no central repository and no single administrator, and (2) that persons may obtain by their own computing or manufacturing effort.
DASH could very easily lie in between the Centralized Virtual Currency and De-Centralized Virtual Currency categories. It is clear that the 40% miner portion of the emissions falls into the De-Centralized Virtual Currency category; however the 50% masternode and 10% project share could very likely fall into the Centralized Virtual Currency category. In addition to this we have also to consider the impact of spork. If on top of all of this we add the insta-mine the US government may have a very good case to regulate Even Duffield and the DASH masternode operators as MSBs.
The ramifications on how FinCEN chooses to regulate or not regulate DASH will have very significant ramifications throughout the crypto-currency space.