I would even count the Buddhists as non-religious...
They don't really push their beliefs on people, make religious laws, kill gays, etc...
I can't recall a Buddhist ever shooting up a night club, abortion clinic, or movie theatre
Most of the Buddhists are peaceful. But there are some fringe groups, which cause trouble every now and then. Examples are the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) of Sri Lanka and the 969 movement of Myanmar. But in general, they have a very tolerant view of other religions, and homosexuals. I would classify the religions to three:
1. Business minded religions: Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Bahaism, and Judaism
2. Ancient religions: Zoroastrianism, Animism, Shamanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Chinese traditional religion.etc
3. Irreligion: Atheism, Agnosticism, Non-religion.etc.
Look around the world and into the sky at night. There aren't one or two blades of grass. There aren't only a handful of mice. There are trees all over the place. And there are billions of people - would be more if we didn't kill ourselves off all the time.
The point is that when God made this stuff, He didn't simply diddle around. He made everything in abundance, including the stars.
When mankind sinned (which they continue to do all the time, worse and worse), and brought death and destruction into the universe, God wanted to save mankind. Why? Because God can make all the grass, the trees, the mice, and the stars that He wants anytime. But God gave each soul an individuality of the kind that He can't remake. He did it by giving each human being a unique touch of Himself.
When you want to save people (because you can't remake even one of them) you need to go about it in a business-like fashion, just like you do other kinds of business. That's what Christianity does. And Judaism would be the same if the Jews only understood that Jesus was the Messiah.
All other religions are for this life, or are false. Christianity is forever, even if many of the Christians are fake Christians, and are simply out to get money.
You are severely mistaken. Two words for you: confirmation bias. Look it up.