Islam, of course, no doubt about that. if you just read Qur'an and its translation (in your language), you will find how Allah describes the signs that He exists by mentioning some scientific truth like the rainbow mountains in China (Chapter Fatir verse 27), how human is created, how the process of raining, even astronomy, health, and many others. Qur'an content is so complete, added by some explanations from Prophet Muhammad.
You sound exactly as some do about the bible. I've read them both and it is true of neither of them. There are truths in each and people just seem to interpret them as they chose.
I read a westernized version of the Bhagavad-Gita and found it to be more relatable to my relationship with god than just about any other text. It takes place during a moment of turmoil and war, but with all of that moments human created drama and swirl; quiet moments come through where God is telling this human that all paths taken to god lead to god without failure and that god is what you need "him" to be. Interesting. Then I read reviews on the Book where people were arguing about who was right in this war...ect and so forth while seemingly missing the entire point of gods wish to have a relationship with each of us.
All the books get lost in translation: literally and figuratively.
God is ineffable to our human minds. We create religion to bring the ineffable down to our level of understanding and often miss the mark.
If you hate your brother because he is not of your faith've missed the mark.
Do you think that our eternal souls, our never ending sparks of (beyond) universal collective consciousness/energy 'feel" as separate as our human minds lead us to believe we are?
Our brains trick us into believing that we are separate and finite, the chemicals in our brains love and hate and...rise to war against each other but we only fight ourselves and create misery for each other during this short speck of time that we call a life.
This thing we call existence (as we know it thus far) is only billions of years old.
Can I accept that at the end of my life, I am snuffed into atoms that are no longer aware of themselves? Yes, though I lean more to the eternal side of things.
Can I accept that we act like assholes to each other in the name of god? No, seriously we have to do better (preferably in this lifetime ;-)