In this case i have a question for what distance for ex.2AA need if range start from ffff
ok, when we will start range from for ex. 2^109 in that case all distance before will be useless?
becouse they are will produce x-coordinates that is before range 2^109.
I do not understand this moment..
The program shifts the range to 0, and also shifts the Public Key.
Example for puzzle key #110:
We know that public key is (pk110): 0309976ba5570966bf889196b7fdf5a0f9a1e9ab340556ec29f8bb60599616167d
And we also know that it is in the range [2^109 ... 2^110-1]
The GPU Solver shifts the range by 2^109 to the left, and making the search in the range [2^109 - 2^109 ... 2^110-1 - 2^109] which is [0 ... 2^109 - 1]
So, all the tames are generated within this range from 0 to 2^109-1.
As for wilds, they are generated not from the original public key pk110, but from another point: pk110 - 2^109 * G
This shifted point is pk110s: 02e2cec18b0aa6c9fe69f2dfd7b253594957a1840a3506cb17b4d80d1bd8c37d25
All the DPs in hashtable are within the range [0 ... 2^109-1]: for tame with have distance Td in this range and x-coordinate related to it, for wild we have distance Wd which is +/- [0 ... 2^108] and x-coordinate related to pk110s + Wd * G
All the wild points in hash table are also related to the shifted public key.
PS. Actually instead of solving pk110 within the range [2^109 ... 2^110-1] the program solves the key pk110s within the range [0 ... 2^109-1]