Good point. I will try to code a merger.
The table includes x-coordinate (DP 28) together with the kangaroo type (0 for tame, 1 for wild).
Here is zipped txt file:
Have a look at your tables, an if you have the same x-coordinate but with the different type (i.e im my table wild, but in yours tame) - so we immediately could retrieve the private key for #110
PS. The table includes only x-coordinates. Without distance it is useless, but helpful to find cross-collision with others.
What is the best way to compare TXT lists? I'm going to separate wild and tame in two different files, merge+sort with my own files and use uniq -d to find duplicates.
grep 'type:1' DP28.txt|cut -d " " -f 1 > remote_wild.txt
cat local_tame.txt remote_wild.txt | sort | uniq -d
cat local_wild.txt remote_tame.txt | sort | uniq -d
# Inserting a remote wild in local tame for testing
echo 000d4230841b31f02659885bd7f6c72c >> local_tame_testing
cat local_tame_testing.txt remote_wild.txt | sort | uniq -d