I'm already explained that all ranges will be X (X - divisor) times smaller than original range
FFFFFFFF / 33 = 7C1F07D
(45d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1745d1741745d06a + 7C1F07D) = end of range
Thanks for explaining this in concise terms.
Amazing how I thought this whole conjuncture was BS until someone actually came along with a proper demonstration.
The question now is how much more effective will this be vs. just dividing the keys?
See this is my issue with public forums (the bad) lol. NotA has 1 billion merit, signed up early on this site, so people take his word (most of the time) as the "Gospel". And I have no issues with NotA, we have worked together on the pool project. I do not expect everyone to know everything, that is what I do like about public forums, we can all learn from each other.
NotA, you did go on and on and call stuff "baloney" but I do not think you understood what all brainless was saying. You "assumed" you had what he is/was doing and did not really do any thing other than program some python and left it at that. I went back and read what brainless said and what some were calling BS:
my answer were no random, and exact in all 256bit range, and what is exact location, i explain about how to calc exact range
and he did, he gave an example. I took the example and actually tried applying what he said and I found his words/example to be true. So all of the posts you are claiming to be in "concise terms" and now a "proper demonstration" were there in front of you all along but you just saw with your eyes a larger range and said ahhhhhh "baloney". But I still think people are misreading what these last posts are really about. Especially with Counselor adding to what I was saying. I never said I was testing for a speed up in searches. But you ask the question
how much more effective will this be vs. just dividing the keys
which baffles me because this whole thing centers on dividing keys lol! But again, no one said or talked about speed up, the questions answered were, could one find exact locations of where to search for all divided keys, when dividing a pub key...exactly as brainless had said. That was my intent and my tests. So no, there is no speed up looking in other ranges versus the original range (smaller) other than, as counselor has said,
all ranges will be X (X - divisor) times smaller than original range
but the shrinkage is applicable in all ranges. BUT again, it was about finding/calculating exact range of divided keys, to prove they are not just randomly thrown out on the curve.
I know brainless sometimes says some off the wall chit...part of that is English is not everyone's first or second language and part of that (IMO) is he does not want to share everything he has learned, because maybe one day he will have the equipment to run to find the keys based off of his "math" and methods and ways. He gives clues, hints, but just because he does not give the exact method to his madness, people say it's BS or something else. And it might all be, we may never know lol. I know we laughed at his "astro" (astronomers/astrology) comment but as I sat and thought about it, I started to visualize how to use a number where there is no float, when dividing/multiplying by 1-10. I have some ideas that I need to test, but at least I will test them to come up with my own conclusion if what he says is crazy or not, and not just jump on a band wagon of others saying it is crazy lol.
I think back to when I was new on the site and reading a thread by Etar; where people were saying he was crazy and misleading, but what he was saying was true, it was all how one looked at things. Anywho, I have learned a lot from Etar; extremely smart with ec math and programming. He has always been helpful with explaining ec math or how/why he programmed something a certain way. The difference, Etar always shared code or explained things as to where brainless just leaves bread crumbs/clues. Point being, if I had jumped on the Etar is a liar/misleading/etc. I never would have had communication with him and learned "stuff" from him. So form your own opinions about people and their "craziness" lol. And for the love of everything that is good, actually READ posts and what is said in them and what is NOT said in them. WP