- http://libertopia.org/festival
Are there any other gatherings or clusters of Bitcoiners?
I also see in Las Vegas, July 11-14, 2012:
Freedom Fest
- http://freedomfest.com/keynote-speakers/
- http://freedomfest.com/all-other-speakers/
Looks generally focused on banking, investment and politics.
Some interesting presenters, including:
- Tom Woods (@ThomasEWoods)
- Jeff Berwick (@DollarVigilante)
- Bob Prechter (@RobertPrechter) (Elliot Wave theory creator)
Then in August in Florida right before the RNC are two Libertarian events:
- http://musicians4freedom.com/2012/06/ron-paul-supporters-now-working-on-two-pre-rnc-festivals
On August 24, 25 and 26, 2012 at the Fairgrounds in Tampa:
- http://paulfestival.org
Also on Augh 24-26 in Polk County (near Tampa):
- http://www.freedomfestival2012.com
And I almost forgot, ... there's probably a few Bitcoiners that are gonig to be at Burning Man:
- https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/gauging-interest-bitcoin-at-burning-man-74963