Open beta 2nd try: (note: we did not uploaded this as an update, please download a fresh copy, do not reuse old files (chain blocks, wallet file, peerfile) since formats may have changed.
Changelog V0.4 -> V0.5:- slightly change in boot process, more debug information on launch (successfully launched on xp sp3, win7 x86 and x64 - professional and enterprise(=ultimate)), GUI shows up later if connection to news/update server cannot be made (delay of ~2-3 seconds then)
- send decimal amounts of EXO now possible (got truncated to INT in between)
- removed the huge amount of re-reading the wallet file and with that the repeatly display of an error message (caching)
- fixed send_transaction circulation (way to often, multiple processment of the same message ->caching of all messages with reduces messageHop flag, additionally reduced messageHop from 3 to 2)
- added more checks on arriving transactions (check if already in latest or prev block and if timestamp is greater than timestamp of prev block ->tx get stored only once+tx gets skipped without high cpu load earlier)
- initial blockchain update can be paused now in GUI (cannot be paused once it is synced or nearly synced!)
- full EC donna and EC nist support - can be choosen for each address differently
- show Popups in GUI for status information (invalid pass etc notifications)
- user can select keyType within GUI dropdown
- wallet file format changed. Therefore the update overrides your created addresses
- pbkdf2 (hashing the passphrase multiple [dynamic] times before storing in walletfile) fully implemented
- AES256 roundcount increased to 14 (truecrypt standard)
- implemented a loading-"please wait"-popup (will be displayed on new address creation, pass change, update download and transfer EXO (and beta generate 10,000EXO))
- transactions will now be properly displayed (amount sum + transaction list) without a need of a program restart (in some cases that have been needed) *note* if you initiate a transaction while out of sync the transaction will appear in GUI automatically once the latest block is synced up!
- added Settings tab in GUI
- communication between client and miner reworked and finalized
- CPU miner finalized (GPU miner to be developed!)
- mining process within the normal client programmed (not tested yet, distribution process not developed yet)
- maximal readed in bytes of an passFile = first 5000 bytes (prevent crashes with huge files bigger than RAM and increases performance while security is not threated)
- user can change passphrase/file now within GUI. Old wallet file (representing the old pass) will be kept as well (wallet.exo.X.archive) and can be restored (=renamed) or deleted
- minimum pass requirements will be checked now at initial address generation (it could have been circumvented before) and on passphrase change
- pbkdf2 round count will be calculated new on every pass change. If you change the pass on a new computer in 20 years that will increase the round count drastically.
- fixed a bug associated with the generation of 10,000 EXO (could lead to a crash)
- added more debug output to console and log file
- fixed a bug which could lead to multiple instances of the time thread (flickering time display in GUI could be noticed) which could lead to crashes or wrong calculations which both is bad
- integrated vote system (realized centrally since decentral integration would not be a big advantage) ->build server application + integration in GUI done -> new votes will be shown on startup. Already answered votes will not show up twice. 2 test votings are within this update
- integrated batch-send-transaction mechanism (needed for initial delivery of EXO to investors) [hidden feature at the moment]
- fixed a bug which could cause the client to crash on the last loaded block from drive
- fixed a bug which could lead to a deadlock in a critical section (not exited at a previous return)
- fixed a bug that caused the GUI to hang at startup if chain is empty
- increased checks on all arriving network messages (check the format, content and if the message is allowed / should be processed at that specific moment)
- since transaction's order in a block is dependend on their hash and not on their time (that's important!) the calculation/validation of account's balances could get corrupted. Additionally the block explorer view tab in the GUI showed transactions not ordered in time. =>added new query function that returns transactions of block in time. To eliminate converting time all transactions are stored in RAM twice: once ordered after hash, once ordered after time
- fixed the bug which caused the last beta version to crash the system
- you can now start without network connection or loose connection at runtime. When you get connection back everything will be synced up again correctly [WARNING: sometime this does not work properly. Working on this ->V0.6 please manually restart if needed]
- chain will be evaluated completly if needed (if networkBlockId < currentBlockId ->delete all upon and request the latest block from network. if currentBlockId < networkBlockId request all blocks upon from network. if length matches but inChain hashes not: request that block from network. If still invalid request the previous block. If still ..... request the previous of the previous of the ...... block.
- time sync is now more accurate than before (important) and should stick better in the range of the real world UTC time (however that is not needed but is nicer).
- udp sendReliable for transactions partly implemented (user does not get the status of this yet, wait for v 0.6 /// this caused a new crash ->disabled at the moment)
Going offline now for about 15 hours. Hope that this update will run more smooth! As you can see with the change log we have worked on the product in the past week.