Still SW looks not like a good Scaling Work rather like a Split Wedge
You mean that if no one runs segwit, then it is not going to do anything?
I think that a lot of folks will just run segwit and attempt to take advantage of its various features. I agree that we have to see how it plays out, but if we do not really have sophisticated technical knowledge then it might take a bit of time to see whether there are any concrete applications that are built upon segwit that empowers the whole bitcoin system?
Yep - I guess in the end we want the same thing - get Bitcoin around the world - to all poor and rich.
My concerns esp with SW are
- it takes really longer time to get into proper and wished scaling mode (also achow101 says this upthread) - we could lose the race with poor Asian's BCH
If bitcoin cash is better, then so fucking what? Let it be, and then we will all migrate over to that; however, the odds seem to be quite against bitcoin cash being better because they barely have a development team and they are already quite prone with a historical practice of fucking up things - and cannot really fault them except for the fact that they are trying to rush things without enough critical peer review (that critical peer review is already built into core's open system of participation as long as you know what the fuck you are talking about you can participate in core, but bitcoin cash is likely desperate and has a very small team of developers (so far) )
- it is complex code (this is a reason for ^) - on-chain's safety (-SW) we know for 8+ year, why give that away?
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Seg wit is already agreed to and it is getting locked in and going active. Why are you fighting a done deal? Within segwit gotta put it to work and to see how well it works, and likely it is going to be a great asset to bitcoin that is not going to be in need to be rolled back, but if there happens to be some problematic issue with seg wit then there could be propositions to roll it back. Your mere assertions of supposed complexity, seems to be just a talking point rather than what any non-technical person needs to do or know. And, from my understanding, once seg wit is activated, folks can run seg wit or not run seg wit.. .. their choice.
- it is sold to open many 2nd layer applications, but if there is only one (related to bitcoin for outer world!) is crashing / scam you name it -> entire Bitcoin gets the shit in the world press you name it - do we want to risk Bitcoins entire reputation because a stupid 2nd layer shit is failing hard? Who does professional due-diligence here ?
what the fuck we give a shit about this stuff. In any decentralized system there are going to be all kinds of actors doing whatever the fuck they want. Some will be working for good, some for bad, and hopefully in the end, it all works out in the wash and our coins are secure. As far as reputation, people can chose to use bitcoin or not use it, depending on if they see utility in it. And if they don't like bitcoin, then they can find something else that they prefer, including traditional credit cards and banking... so yeah systems evolve and alt coins develop and people chose what they want to use based on what's available to them and based on whether they think it is going to work for them, personally.
- miners don't like it (this might b a reason ^ since all miners will suffer from that)
- too much splitting of community ^^^^
Well, seem that in recent times, miners have been striving to employ their mining politically, but there still is no one "miners don't like." Yet, even if it is true that "miners don't like" then they can set up their mining in different ways or remove their hashing power. There are a lot of different miner set ups, so we cannot really say exactly what they are going to do and what they like and don't like because the main thing is how they chose to direct their hashing power - including in recent times, some miners had chosen to direct their hashing power towards attacking an spamming the bitcoin blockchain, and even though they seem to have let up in recent weeks, they certainly could resume this kind of spamming in the near future.. so developers are likely continuing to think about ways to keep bitcoin robust in spite of some miners choosing to direct their hash power towards spamming.