No matter if they extended the contract of this coach still Manchester United is not in good form and this made Ten Hag under pressure to get improve to leave. many people said Ten Hag won't be in Manchester United even until the winter and they will get him fired because of the bad performance he had so far. Anyway, I think Manchester United should start searching for a new coach even bore they get him fired.
His hardline attitude and poor recruitment of new players that he could have maximized made the pressure even more difficult because ultimately since he has been at Mancehseter United I don't feel that there have been any potentially lucrative purchases that he has made until now despite the expensive players he has tried to bring in from the Eredivisie.
The situation that Ten Hag is in now is actually quite bad, it's just that he was helped by the condition that in the 2 seasons he coached always won trophies. If in the end there is no this luck then I feel that he does not really deserve to be in the EPL and Manchester United.
But now he still has the opportunity when the contract extension occurs, it's just that with the initial conditions of the season that are not too good for Ten Hag, I don't think he should be too confident in his fate because he could be replaced before this season ends.