Bingo Challenge!
Ends: 01/10/18 @ Midday (12pm) GMT
Time to take a break from Age challenges and refill batteries! Before we continue flying over Eras, let's hunt bingo numbers! This weeks promotion is all about rolling any of the bingo numbers listed below. You need to hit at least 5 of them to be eligible for a share in the prize pool. Only winning bets are valid with minimum bet of 100 satoshis, 1,200 ether or 10,000 litoshi. All people who achieve the challenge in the next 7 days, will get a share in the prize pool! There is no limit to the amount of winners, and the more people who get involved the higher the prize pool! So if you get more people involved, then you win more!
11.11 | 22.22 | 33.33 | 44.44 |55.55 | 66.66 | 77.77 | 88.88 | 99.99
Roll any 5 (different) numbers of the bingo numbers listed above.
Minimum bet is 100 satoshi bitcoin or 1,200 ether ethereum or 10,000 litoshi litecoin.
1 valid entry per person.
Bets cannot be hidden.
Bets must have been made after the commencement of this promotion.
10+ forum post count.
Prize Pool(s)
Minimum prize pool: 0.01 BTC
If over 30 participants: 0.03 BTC
If over 40 participants: 0.05 BTC
If over 50 participants: 0.08 BTC
How to Enter
Respond to the topic on the official Primedice Forum, and link your bet ID using the link function in the text editor: