How would you know what roll to verify if you don't have bet IDs
Site have been updated about 6 month ago and whole back-end changed code so seed has to be rotated.
Bets you made on old site are not in our browser memory anymore, neither could be fetched with new API because it seems they started using fresh database after update due to better site workflow.
If PD could provide server seed and nonce , I only need to verify my last 23 bet (23 red streaks)
I think last maintenance happen 16 august 2018 , not 6 month ago
My first conversation with support at 16 august 2018 since I cant find previous server seed and nonce
As mentioned previously, PD is being updated. There's a wide variety of performance upgrades and a lot of minor design changes. We've moved servers and users will have to set a new seed to continue playing. I'll be posting the full changelog after the update is here, feel free to post/PM feedback regarding the changes as we'll be monitoring this thread.
Thank you
This maintenance
Ah, I see now, that was second update. I thought about this one big platform update to PD5 version where everything has changed.
Primedice 5 has been officially launched!
This update is mainly an update to our back-end, Primedice 4 was running off restrictive legacy code from a couple years ago. It's been challenging to add features like multi-currencies & multiplayer with our old system so we've completely replaced it with something which will scale and let us quickly integrate new features. The design has been touched up a bit and everything should be a bit more responsive & quicker.
We're aware there are small bugs floating around, let us know and we'll patch them as quickly as possible. We weren't able to migrate old seeds so we recommend setting a custom seed, I apologize for a lack of notice regarding this but we wanted to get the website up today. If the website looks funny we recommend clearing cache and hard reloading.
Happy rolling!
If you made bets on new platform then you can easily see your last bets through API and get seed from it.
Just paste this code and run it:
query userid{user(name: "YOUR_USERNAME_GOES_HERE"){betList{iid}}}
If you asking for historical bets seed pair then you wont get them due to major update.
Each time the seed require change you will be notified and button to accept it will be shown on your profile.
It's a bit silly to questioning provably-fair technology if you don't know how to use it properly.