Property is not "invented" by the human intellect. It is the natural state of things.
Ahh, but aren't you confusing two different definitions of the word 'property'?
No. You may be, but I am not.
I could say that one property of the sky is that it's blue. We can even map a slightly different concept, that of 'territoriality', and say that the sky's blueness belongs to it. We could then build on this concept and say that a person can also own some physical property, and that that property belongs to the person.
However, this line of reasoning is based on a mistake. It's a mistake to say that the sky's 'blueness' is something inherent about the sky. 'Blue' is what I imagine the sky to be after I receive electrical impulses from my eyes, and my brain makes up something called colour. Your sense of blueness could be different. The same could be said of any property.
You're deflecting, but I'll knock it down anyway. It gives me an opportunity to teach you something. We might well have different cultural or personal referents for the color we see when we look into the sky - the color of your mother's eyes, the color of a jay's wing - but regardless of how we describe it, we are both seeing a wavelength of light between 450–495 nm. And when we look into the
same sky at the
same time, we see the
same wavelength. That is the difference between subjective perceptions, and objective reality: Subjectively, you may see a shade just lighter than your mother's eyes, and I may see a shade just darker than a jay's wing, but objectively, we're both receiving light at a wavelength of 475 nm.
Now, back to personal property:
You own your body because you, and you alone, are responsible for it's actions. No one can make you do something without your permission, without using coercion or force. And that is why coercion and initiatory force are morally wrong: because they violate the ultimate property right,
that of your own body.
This is not a confusion of the concept of "property" as "that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular owner," and "property" as "an essential or distinctive attribute or quality of a thing." No, rather, it is wholly under the first definition. It is the contention that you own your body; it is your possession - the only one you come into the world with, in fact. Your body is your possession because you are the only one who possesses it.
Ergo, private property is the net result of natural human habits and forces within a community, and the larger that community grows, the more defined that property must become in order for that community to continue to prosper. Loosely defined property rules are fine for small or temporary communities, and even communism works at the scale of the family (or even up to the small church), the problem is that neither scales well to a greater society.
Couldn't have said it better myself.